i installed internet from local internet provider it comes with a gpon ont and a fiberhome router and it works great , my plan is 1gbps for 40lei=8,03 eur
but i wanted to test my old router (TL-WR1043N V5) with open wrt to see if i get lower ping or more stable ping in games
so i did a fresh install of 23.05.5 updated all the packages and then went to configure the ppoe i entered the user and password and left other 2 on auto and didin't change any other setting and this is the speed i am getting
i found searching online that if i go to network ->firewall and enable software flow offloading i get better speed
the router has 1gps wan and lan but idk why i don't get the speed ?
There are options to oversome these limitattions - albeit it might bring more issues long term - like SFE or software flow offload. Try ddwrt if you really want 1g with your current hw (although I don't recommend it personally)
I think DDWRT will not do any better regarding software flow offload.
I do recommend DDWRT at least for select Broadcom routers (e.g. the Northstar family), those have hardware flow offload an can do 900 Mb/s LAN<>WAN throughput.
It uses the SLTS supported K4.4 and has many of the popular goodies