Okay. I just don't get it. I did a factory reset then copy pasted what you said.
Loading LuCI afterwards and it loaded but clicking on network interface resulted in: RPC call to uci/get failed with ubus code 9: Unspecified error
at handleCallReply (
Plugged cable into WAN port and trunk into port 1 and nothing changed.
Changed ip to with cables unplugged again and nothing changed.
Replugged the cables and realized there was WAN based internet, but no MultiWan.
Installed mwan3 package and mwan3 LuCI packages. No change.
Now able to check MultiWAN manager, it says wanb has no tracking.
Noticed that the MultiWAN manager Interface has same error as Network Interface
Used PuTTY to match my previous mwan3 settings (I can post these if you'd like). Mostly deleted several of the MWAN Members and configured the MWAN Policy. Rebooted and MultiWAN manager now says wanb status is disabled.
Added back the rest of the interface options to network lans, but not the option type bridge, like you said.
Discovered the error keeping the interface page from appearing was because I copy pasted your post and there was a space between the b and the apostrophe: config interface 'wanb '
Rebooted and wanb was running and interface was accessible.
Added for dhcp:
config dhcp 'wan6'
option interface 'wan6'
option ignore '1'
No change.
Moved Wanb and b6 to wan firewall zone with wan and wan6... speedtest then showed load balancing was working.
Made sure all the rest of the settings matched my previous ones and the router is still up and running.
This makes no sense, but it's working!
Now to make sure the firewall configuration is right and figure out the guest wifi.
Edit: I am noticing some websites are hitting me with CAPTCHAs that didn't before and a stream I tested with ffmpeg resulted in a TLS error. Is that normal for multiwan?