Hey Stangri, your package is exactly what I'm looking for. Please forgive me, I've only just started with OpenWRT and this is my first post.
I'm running a Netgear Nighthawk X4S R7800 on OpenWrt 19.07-SNAPSHOT r10575-28d3afc8d6 / LuCI openwrt-19.07 branch (git-19.272.21960-7a7a56a) by hnyman. I've managed to get the OpenVPN connection going and installed VPNbypass and all the dependencies mentioned in your readme.
When in the WebUI I click on Enable/Start nothing happens. If I click Save & Apply I get the following error:
Failed to execute cbi dispatcher target for entry '/admin/services/vpnbypass'.
The called action terminated with an exception:
/usr/lib/lua/luci/model/cbi/vpnbypass.lua:79: attempt to call field 'restart' (a nil value)
stack traceback:
/usr/lib/lua/luci/model/cbi/vpnbypass.lua:79: in function '?'
/usr/lib/lua/luci/cbi.lua:226: in function '_run_hooks'
/usr/lib/lua/luci/cbi.lua:403: in function 'parse'
/usr/lib/lua/luci/dispatcher.lua:881: in function </usr/lib/lua/luci/dispatcher.lua:860
What am I doing wrong?