VLAN tagging on ipq40xx (GL-B1300) no longer works

Nothing is a problem given enough time but right now building my own image seems to be a pretty poor ROI for upgrading a point release, especially since the current setup works.
Thanks for the pointer, though, I'll keep it in mind if the situation changes.

Please consider the maintainers who can't please anyone in this case. :wink: I'm very happy that they invest so much work in maintaining this ip40xx soc that has this difficulties. Building your own image is much less ROI compared to what they have as ROI.

Having a lower ROI is not a good thing, you know? :smiley:

Really, I'm happy with 19.07.3 and I appreciate the work being done to move to the new DSA but this still doesn't make me want to spend time building a patchted .4
That's it, no more, no less.

i still don't get why 19.07.4 breaks a working function in 19.07 for all the users... a fix breaking another function during a stable release branch, and such an important feature like VLAN? yeah, i don't get it.

As I understood it does not break VLAN functionality it just supports an other VLAN feature called nested VLAN, which I have never heard before and which probably most home router users will never need.
Technically it seems that this odd feature is not compatible with the widely used standard VLAN feature port isolation.

By the way, is there a usable online build environment for openwrt e.g. on something like Gitpod? Maybe it is not as difficult to compile an own image with the revert patch there.
I would also write a short howto if I succeed.

On my Fritz 7530, the 19.07.4 release is broken entirely. I can get no connectivity on the LAN ports even after a reset to defaults (i.e. no user configured VLAN). I had to use failsafe mode to connect and restore it to 19.07.3, where my VLANs also work without issue.

xD You know what I mean. :stuck_out_tongue:

I have a working 7530 where I reverted the switch to nested vlans.

When you say reverted, you mean reverted the commit and built your own image I assume?

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Could someone please explain what does and what does not work with regard to VLAN on ipq40xx?
I use several VLANs in my config. Only port 0 is tagged, all other are not. Is this what port isolation means? Will this break if I upgrade to 19.07.4?

For me all the LAN switch ports broke even on default settings, on my 7530. I had to revert to 19.07.3.

Would it be possible to correct the device page for the AVM Fritzbox 4040:

On this page there is a Link to Installation Image for 19.07.4 and some lines below the page describes a working VLAN Setup on the switch ports. This combination is at the moment not working and the description may be misleading.

you can register yourself at the wiki and edit it yourself :slight_smile:

Could someone test this?

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Port isolation works. Tested with a FB 4040.


Can I put u as tested by? Then I need your real name and your e-mail.

I tested your patch on a Netgear WAC510 ipq4018 with VLAN tagged WAN port with terrible TX bandwidth, but once applied the WAN port receives no RX traffic, TX is fine.

Once the patch is reverted RX traffic on the WAN port works again.

Anyone have really low VLAN tagged WAN TX on latest master and know the cause or solution?

The offending commit is reverted in 19.07: https://git.openwrt.org/?p=openwrt/openwrt.git;a=commitdiff;h=0ce0d687de9e7b386912ba8883470ce33d4c8008

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Good news for 19.07.5, when released. I had missed it, but it looks like it was also reverted in master as of Nov 1, 2020: https://git.openwrt.org/?p=openwrt/openwrt.git;a=commit;h=e73d866c6fc7dfad2fb7dd87345c90029bbda59d

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Still getting bad TX with tagged VLAN ports on Master.