This should be the correct section as this one explains a bug (not related of using/installing openwrt).
Here's the situation. Virtualbox suggestion is to use virtio-net adapters when using Openwrt as Guest.
The thing is randomly after big/small transfers using the Openwrt guest I get the TX queue broken on eth0.
The host machine is linux bookworm (latest) with Virtualbox 7.0
The TX queue breaks differently depending on what I set as tx queue.
If I have "tc qdisc replace dev eth0 noqueue" when the issue wants to appear it goes with
"txqueue on eth0 wants to queue a packet!"
If I have qdisc like fq_codel or whatever when the issue wants to appear it goes with
"virtual device eth0: txqueue error: -5"
When that error appears you have to reboot the openwrt guest, making the use of openwrt meaningless. It happens on stress situations.
Virtio-net is a must especially for >1gbps connections as this is the only driver supporting them.
Because the forum isn't only for using/installing openwrt?
Like if I have placed it there it wouldn't be appropriate, more appropriate is to be here as it can be debugged deeper into the developing aspects of the drivers etc.
I think it is possible that the "client" driver of openwrt for virtio-net has something to do with it.
Well, you said it too on that thread ?
The statement is in virtualbox docs which says -> use Virtio-net whenever possible/has drivers. I can't remember where exactly found about openwrt but your own thread says about how much more amazed you are from Virtio-net ?
And ran ethtool on LAN...and different combinations of VM NIC PHYs...the fastest were virtio-net/virtio-net with the following conifg:
Seems like you've played a lot back in 2022 on that virtio-net. have you encountered this tx queue breakage ?
Edit: By default it seems that virtio-net places 256 packets tx queue size, which is little. I don't know that could be the issue. And some sources say that this adjustment is only possible with qemu/kvm (on the host). /tx_queue_size
This is not the same issue.
My last edit on previous post may be on point !
I've set using tc on openwrt x86 fifo 256p and set txqueuelen of 256 of the problematic interface.
So far 5 days running without seeing the issue. But again 256 packets is huge drawback for speed. That setting can only happen on the openwrt driver for virtio (which i think is also old version!). AFAIK at the moment it is not adjustable as in the previous post example.