Very popular WiFi 5Ghz router for long term support OpenWRT

I'm looking to get a very popular 2.4Ghz+5Ghz router, with the anticipation that popularity will translate to -> several years support by OpenWRT.

(My previous post had fantastic replies, but unfortunately WiFi 6E still seems too immature/expensive at this time. 6Ghz router with long term support)

My desired options:

  • 2Ghz+5Ghz
  • Long anticipated support life
  • 3 Eth ports or more
  • Under $500

A pre-assembled DIY solution (eBay) would be preferable, IF I could physically upgrade the device to WiFi 7 at a later time.

you can't do it with two devices instead ?

wired x86 router, they'll last until they die, or your internet access becomes too fast for them to keep up.

plus some plastic box (router, AP, etc) for the wifi.

that kind of setup can be bought for less than $60.


Could be the asus tuf ax6000 as the price is dropping like a stone. I got mine for £99 and it is a good upgrade from a r7800. X86 would last the longest time tho.

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You can buy any, even 2 or 10 for "full home coverage"

go for

All so a good shout!

Asus tuf ax4200 , great support , basically the same chipset as the ax6000, does not need serial for flashing anymore, great wifi , enough eth ports , it has a usb port also, it doesn't cook food, otherwise it does everything i need !

I did end up selecting the highly recommended GL-MT6000. Thank you.

I successfully installed OpenWRT, but I have run into a road block with ssh. I wrote a post requesting help. More details here

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