USB wifi for AP mode -close distance

Hi i end up in need for an access point and an USB wifi adapter is quite the key. I only need like couple feet of range. While i check over aliexpress, couple of unit are present and i see package like : kmod-rtlwifi-usb that look to support couple of rtl chip. But is there any usb dongle that do support AP mode ? Like with package and not to compile a custom one.
So far, i see 2 ref about the mt7612u chipset.. i guess by using package: kmod-mt76-usb and kmod-mt76x2-common will be enough to get spin it up?
thanks in advance

Hi, did you end up getting a mt7612u adapter?

I think the correct package to installis kmod-mt76x2u

yep, you go wirelesstool, wpadopenss, kmodmt76x02u, kmod..02-usb, kmod usbwdm, usbmodeswitch