Unable to update xiaomi redmi ac2100 stock firmware


I tried to downgrade the stock firmware to version 2.0.23 via the web interface and it doesn't work. Then i tried with the MIWIFIRepairTool from xiaomi but it doesn't work. With the tool the data is transferred and then the LEDs go out instead of flashing.
Can you help me?

Might help if you include what device you’re talking about

Sorry :roll_eyes:, i'm talking about xiaomi redmi ac2100


Today, i tried to downgrade the stock firmware to version 2.0.23 via tftpd64 but that doesn't work either.
I don't know if I set the server correctly. Here are my settings:

Can you help me?

Thank you

I had a similar problem with some of these manufactured in 2019. It had firmware 2.0.370 and would not accept 2.0.23 and .503 (?) and .370 is not vulnerable to method A of installation. Fortunately there is a later version, 2.0.745. Get the router online, that can be set it up for DHCP WAN and plug the WAN into an existing router with internet access as it is happy to get a private IP on it's WAN interface then use the factory web interface to update.

2.0.745 is vulnerable and method A works nicely, no need to downgrade to 2.0.23 etc.

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