Umurmur OpenWrt 18.06.1 r7258-5eb055306f

I tried to install the Umurmur server .. but it seems not to start, the client does not connect ... you can tell me if this version of openwrt supports Umurmur
Thank you very much

It appears to exist in OpenWrt, therefore it's supported:

Did you enable it in the configs?

Thanks for your answer
I followed that guide ... but nothing, I'll show you my configuration (Very trivial)


config defaults
	option syn_flood '1'
	option input 'ACCEPT'
	option output 'ACCEPT'
	option forward 'ACCEPT'

config zone
	option name 'lan'
	option input 'ACCEPT'
	option output 'ACCEPT'
	option forward 'ACCEPT'
	option network 'lan'
	option masq '1'
	option mtu_fix '1'

config include
	option path '/etc/firewall.user'

config zone
	option name 'mesh'
	option input 'ACCEPT'
	option output 'ACCEPT'
	option network 'mesh'
	option forward 'ACCEPT'
	option masq '1'
	option mtu_fix '1'

config forwarding
	option dest 'mesh'
	option src 'lan'

config forwarding
	option dest 'lan'
	option src 'mesh'


max_bandwidth = 48000;
welcometext = "Welcome to uMurmur!";
certificate = "/etc/umurmur/cert.crt";
private_key = "/etc/umurmur/key.key";
password = "";
# admin_password = "test";   # Set to enable admin functionality.
# ban_length = 0;            # Length in seconds for a ban. Default is 0. 0 = forever.
# enable_ban = false;        # Default is false
# banfile = "banfile.txt";   # File to save bans to. Default is to not save bans to file.
# sync_banfile = false;      # Keep banfile synced. Default is false, which means it is saved to at shutdown only.
# allow_textmessage = true;  # Default is true
max_users = 10;

  bindport = 64738;
  bindaddr = "INADDR_ANY";

# bindport6 = 64738;
# bindaddr6 = "INADDR_ANY";
# bindport6 (64738)

# username and groupname for privilege dropping.
# Will attempt to switch user if set. 
# username = "";
# If groupname not set the user's default login group will be used
# groupname = "";

# Log to file option. Default is logging to syslog.
# umurmurd will close and reopen the logfile if SIGHUP is received.
# logfile = "/var/log/umurmurd.log";

# Channel tree definition:
# Root channel must always be defined first.
# If a channel has a parent, the parent must be defined before the child channel(s).
channels = ( {
	 name = "Root";
	 parent = "";
	 description = "Root channel. No entry.";
	 noenter = true;
	 name = "Lobby";
	 parent = "Root";
	 description = "Lobby channel";
	 name = "Red team";
	 parent = "Lobby";
	 description = "The Red team channel";
     # password = "redpw";
	 name = "Blue team";
	 parent = "Lobby";
	 description = "The Blue team channel";
     # password = "bluepw";
# Channel links configuration.
channel_links = ( {
	 source = "Lobby";
	 destination = "Red team";
	 source = "Lobby";
	 destination = "Blue team";

# The channel in which users will appear in when connecting.
# Note that default channel can't have 'noenter = true' or password set
default_channel = "Lobby";

Unfortunately the client tells me connection failed

How can I tell if the server is actually running?
Thank you very much