Uhttpd not support PATCH http method?

I've set up Lua Script as CGI with uhttpd. It's work when I send GET/POST method to my web server.
But if I send PATCH method to web server, only receive Bad Request response.
Does uhttpd not support PATCH method? or how can I enable the method on OpenWrt?
Thanks a lot.

Correct, it does not support PATCH.

I pushed an update to uhttpd.git (https://git.openwrt.org/30a18cb) and updated the package in master (https://git.openwrt.org/22681cde) which allows uhttpd to additionally recognize PUT, PATCH and DELETE for non-file requests.


It's workable, thanks a lot.
But I can't add my own Lua script and access Luci web service in the same time on OpenWrt 18.06.
I've opened a topic for the issue, Could you help to take a look? Thanks again.