TX Power, higher than stock firmware?

I have Xiaomi AX6 with SNAPSHOT Firmware .
It could be that the 5g driver default (29 dBm) and 2.4g driver default (27 dBm) is higher than the stock firmware?

I'm suspecting it's slightly more powerful than the stock firmware but im not sure ..

I know its a powerful router that came with chinese firmware and chinese regulations about power and antenna's... but still...

Is there any harm using this power?

Be sure to set the country code for where you will be using this device. That is required to ensure that your device has the correct allowances/restrictions in place for both channel utilization and power levels.

IIRC, in the absence of a country code, the OpenWrt will default to the most restrictive condition. Further, I seem to recall that it will not be able to override hard coded limits that are established in the factory data partition -- this may apply for devices that have variants for different markets. (if I'm wrong about this, someone will point it out and I'll be sure to update accordingly).


My country is set in settings .
But still,
Driver default could make any harm? (Overheat or something)
Maybe the stock firmware is limit the signal strength (even on highest value), but the hardware is capable for more.. I dont know