[Tutorial] DNS-over-TLS with dnsmasq and stubby (no need for unbound)

This is what I do

On "/etc/config/dhcp"

#	option resolvfile '/tmp/resolv.conf.auto'  ## --- Make sure you disable (apply "#" in front) this to ignore isp's supplied dns
#	option cachesize '1024' 		## --- If your router have a big RAM, you can enable this option with dnsmasq-full installed
	option noresolv '1' 			## --- This will prevent the use of isp's dns
	list server '/pool.ntp.org/'	## --- Your router date & time must be correct in order to have sucessful tls init
	list server ''		## --- Default stubby service port

On "/etc/config/network"

config interface 'wan'
	option ifname 'eth1'
	option proto 'pppoe'
	option username 'username'
	option password 'password'
	option peerdns '0' 	## --- This will prevent the use of isp's dns
	option dns '' 	## --- this will make sure the router itself can do "ping google.com"

If you have extra ROM+RAM you can assign some of RAM capacity for dns cache.
Bonus: How to install dnsmasq-full

cd /tmp 
opkg update
opkg download dnsmasq-full 			## --- 1st we need to download dnsmasq-full
opkg install dnsmasq-full 			## --- Installation will fail as dnsmasq-full files are conflicting with exisiting dnsmasq
opkg remove dnsmasq 				## --- You will have no access to internet after this
opkg install /tmp/dnsmasq-full(press Tab) 	## --- Internet access will be restored after this

Bonus: You don't have to install ca-bundle/ca-certificates if you don't use cloudflare's (
Just make a duplicate of the file "/etc/stubby/stubby.yml.default", pick the desired resolver then rename the file to "stubby.yml"

To test:

  1. Go to https://www.dnsleaktest.com/ or
  2. On your router, go to status/realtime/connections
    make sure ALL dns requests :53 from clients are ONLY goes into the router (NOT directly to internet)
    and dns requests via tls :853 is ONLY goes to configured resolver or
  3. Analyse your wan outgoing port :53 with wireshark
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