Troubles configuring SoftEther Server on OpenWrt


I'm trying to install & configure SoftEther Server on my OpenWrt (19.07). Are there people that have experience installing SoftEther, with SecureNAT on OpenWrt ? I don't know if there are any special firewall rules needed to get everything working.

I can connect to the SoftEther server, but traffic is not getting thru. I think due to firewall/routing issues.

I have experience with SoftEther & VirtualNAT on a other installation. But this (working) SoftEther server is not a gateway device. The current installation is a gateway device.

Be aware that 19.07.x is EOL and no longer gains any kind of security support, so a major configuration change like this would be the perfect opportunity to upgrade - and maybe newer softether packages might come your way as well, which might change the situation as well.

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