Transmit SSID from upstream-router on OpenWrt

Hi, I'm using OpenWrt 23.05with nearly default configuration.
This means that wan interface receives a dhcp-IP from the upstream-router (= Firtzbox).
The upstream-router transmits an SSID.
I want that the same SSID is also transmitted by OpenWrt. Clients conneting to this OpenWrt-SSID should receive IPs from upstream-DHCP and traffic should be routed directly to the upstream-gateway (via WAN-RJ45-connection, there is no Wifi-bridging between both APs).
So I configured a SSID on OpenWrt in Access Point Mode with the same name and PSK as on the upstream router. This SSID is associated with interface WAN.
I can connect to this OpenWrt-SSID, but don't receive an IP from upstream DHCP.

The main functions of OpenWrt within default-config, e.g. acting as a router+firewall must stay in place on my OpenWrt. I "just" want the addon of transmitting the SSID of my upstream-router also on my OpenWrt-device.

I know this documentation, which adds WAN to br-lan.
I cannot to this because this otherwise a would loose my routing functionality.
I was not able to transfer this documentation to my specific situation.

Then you can't get the IP from your main router, since you need to use two separate subnets.

AP <> router.

Router == LAN subnet <> WAN subnet.

Why is it not possible to bridge WAN with the SSID on OpenWrt? simple using WAN as interface of the SSID => but this does not work.

If you're bridging it, doesn't it become an AP ?
And if so, what's wrong with the link provided?

Can you explain why you need two subnets, i.e. the routing/firewalling functionality of OpenWrt?
I don't see the point when clients can simply connect to the upstream AP instead.

I found the solution here: How to make a wifi network using the wan interface? - #8 by psherman
But I did not configure exactly the there proposed setup.
Instead, I

  • joined the WAN-interface to br-lan
  • configured there
    • VLAN11 (= lan) untagged+primary on LAN1 to LAN3
    • VLAN22 (= wan) on WAN-interface.

Then, I just had to switch

  • lan-interface from device br-lan to br-lan.11
  • wan-and wan6-interface from device WAN to br-lan.22
  • network of the desired SSID stays on wan-interface => now the SSID works because it uses a bridge-device

I use this config because I want to spread some VLANs over WAN to my fritzbox. The fritzbox-integrated switch is capable to transport tagged packages although you cannot configure VLANs on fritzbox.

My firewall-rules still keep the wan and lan zone separated.
Does anybody of you have security concerns because I joined lan ports and wan on the same bridge device?

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