TP-Link RE220 v1

@frollic do you mean install v2 factory image via the serial connection command and tftp?

Here is an update...
Biggest issue:
In luci for re220 v1, only radio0 2.4GHz shows up, not 5GHz radio.
In re220 v2, you get both.

Regarding LEDs
I have a v2 device also. There is an error in the re220 v2 led naming.
there is a green:power that doesn't do anything afaik
there is a red:wifi2g that toggles the power led on the device.

running the v2 initramfs on a re220 v1 device, everything works the same for leds except that the green:power acts as a master switch for all leds. when on all are on selected ones are on, when off all are off.

Looking at the re220 v2 dts, it just has an include of an re200 dtsi. And it has this...

        led_power: power {
            label = "green:power";
            gpios = <&gpio 44 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>;

        wifi2g_red {
            label = "red:wifi2g";
            gpios = <&gpio 43 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>;

so for the re220 v2, should fork or override and change green:power to gpio 43 and delete red:wifi2g. I guess this would be fine for re220 v1 also.

On both versions, not sure if the wps button worked. The reset worked on both. It causes device to reboot.

Here is my script for led testing.

# script to test leds

# RE220 LEDs listed top to bottom
# 5GHz
# 2.4GHz
# WIFI SIGNAL,  Solid Green Connected, Solid Red poor signal, Off no conn
# Ethernet
# Power On/Off, Blinking=startup
# WPS On=WPS working, Blink=WPS in progress, OFF=working 5min+ or failed

# Command lind's help message
    usage: testleds [--help] mode
    mode options:
    allon turn all leds on
    alloff turn all leds off
    cycle  turn on each led one at a time 2s on time
    led    turn one led on or off.  Example  testleds led green:wifi on

# Tips message
tipsMsg0='Require params! Please input: testleds --help'
tipsMsg1='testing leds'

function setled {
case "$1" in
                echo 255 > /sys/devices/platform/leds/leds/green:wifi5g/brightness
                echo 255 > /sys/devices/platform/leds/leds/green:wifi2g/brightness
                echo 255 > /sys/devices/platform/leds/leds/red:wifi5g/brightness
                echo 255 > /sys/devices/platform/leds/leds/red:wifi2g/brightness
                echo 255 > /sys/devices/platform/leds/leds/green:wifi/brightness
                echo 255 > /sys/devices/platform/leds/leds/green:power/brightness
                echo 255 > /sys/devices/platform/leds/leds/green:lan/brightness
                echo 255 > /sys/devices/platform/leds/leds/green:wps/brightness

                echo   0 > /sys/devices/platform/leds/leds/green:wifi5g/brightness
                echo   0 > /sys/devices/platform/leds/leds/green:wifi2g/brightness
                echo   0 > /sys/devices/platform/leds/leds/red:wifi5g/brightness
                echo   0 > /sys/devices/platform/leds/leds/red:wifi2g/brightness
                echo   0 > /sys/devices/platform/leds/leds/green:wifi/brightness
                echo   0 > /sys/devices/platform/leds/leds/green:power/brightness
                echo   0 > /sys/devices/platform/leds/leds/green:lan/brightness
                echo   0 > /sys/devices/platform/leds/leds/green:wps/brightness

         exit 1

function oneled {
echo one led
echo $1 $2

case "$2" in
                echo 255 > /sys/devices/platform/leds/leds/$1/brightness

                echo   0 > /sys/devices/platform/leds/leds/$1/brightness

        exit 1

if [ $# -eq '0' ]
    echo "${tipsMsg0}"
    echo "${tipsMsg1}"

if [ $1 = "alloff" ]
  echo "alloff"
  setled off

elif [ $1 = "allon" ]
  setled on

elif [ $1 = "led" ]
  echo "set $2 to $3"
#  setled off
  oneled $2 $3

elif [ $1 = "cycle" ]
  echo "all off"
  setled off
  echo "green:wifi2g on"
  oneled green:wifi2g on
  sleep 5
  echo "green:wifi2g off"
  oneled green:wifi2g off

  echo "green:wifi5g on"
  oneled green:wifi5g on
  sleep 5
  echo "green:wifi5g off"
  oneled green:wifi5g off
  echo "red:wifi2g on"
  oneled red:wifi2g on
  sleep 5
  echo "red:wifi2g off"
  oneled red:wifi2g off

  echo "red:wifi5g on"
  oneled red:wifi5g on
  sleep 5
  echo "red:wifi5g off"
  oneled red:wifi5g off

  echo "green:wifi on"
  oneled green:wifi on
  sleep 5
  echo "green:wifi off"
  oneled green:wifi off

  echo "green:lan on"
  oneled green:lan on
  sleep 5
  echo "green:lan off"
  oneled green:lan off

  echo "green:wps on"
  oneled green:wps on
  sleep 5
  echo "green:wps off"
  oneled green:wps off

    if [ $1 = "--help" ]
      echo $helpMsg
      echo "${tipsMsg0}"

echo "led test completed"