I bought a CPE710 with the expectation to get a V1 and I got a V2.
Firmware installation do not work on it (tftp & web) probably due to a version check by u-boot.
Someone managed to install OWRT on a V2 ?
I bought a CPE710 with the expectation to get a V1 and I got a V2.
Firmware installation do not work on it (tftp & web) probably due to a version check by u-boot.
Someone managed to install OWRT on a V2 ?
do you even know it's using the same hw ?
I do not manage to open it without breaking it and as I needed my two antennas I can't answer to that question.
If nobody already did it I may order a third one and try to see if the case can be opened without too many damages.
Have a look at the FCC IDs first, for a quick glance over the hardware.
It took me a bit of time to have the weather conditions to climb on the roof. So the FCCID is 2AXJ4CPE710 and there is just some documents related to a change in indentification without hardware modifications.
Curiously enough photo shows 610 printed on the PCB
Set OEM device log to maximum detail - debug
Try to capture boot messages via web UI.
Post the link to firmware updates.