Tp-link AX23 wrong firmware version number after reverting

Ok, it seems to have worked...

Creating the text file vers.ion, and writing it to mtd6

root@OpenWrt:/tmp# cat vers.ion
1.1.0 Build
root@OpenWrt:/tmp# dd if=vers.ion of=/dev/mtd6 seek=198673 count=11 bs=1 conv=notrunc

The TP-Link firmware said it's version was 1.0.0 (4555) (sorry forgot to make a screen shot), when I booted what previously claimed to be 3.0.3.

When I clicked the "Check for Updates" button, it said it was up to date, but
it'd still let me flash the most recent EU fw available from TP-Link.

now I'm back at

root@OpenWrt:/tmp# dd of=/tmp/a if=/dev/mtd6 skip=198673 count=11 bs=1
11+0 records in
11+0 records out
root@OpenWrt:/tmp# cat /tmp/a
1.1.0 Build