I would really like to test out @jschwart 's build but i am currently unable to build it myself.
Is there any way to download a binary image because all above links seem dead?
Thank you very much for your efforts on getting the C50 v6 officially supported!
The initial page I provided works, but you do need IPv6 connectivity. Maybe I'll find the opportunity to build a newer rebased image these days.
Welcome to the forum btw. and great that you're interested in testing along!! Be sure to carefully read the instructions on prepending the bootloader that are in the commit message otherwise it might be tricky to recover the device.
The new URL does work and i got it loaded onto my Archer and have to configure it now.
The IPv6 topic was about my internet line.
Pure IPv6 will not be available anytime soon.
Great you have it working! Be sure to let us know how it goes! I'll try to keep the image also in that other spot. I didn't realize I could use my ISP's webspace that way before.
i tried to flash the sysupgrade.bin through archers firm upgrade and it got bricked,ive tried flashing through tftp a bunch of stuff but nothing works,the router keeps blinking yellow with the last one red no matter what(the flashing through tftp doesnt gives errors but wont work
Connection received from on port 59717 [18/10 23:44:22.984]
Write request for file <tp_recovery.bin>. Mode octet [18/10 23:44:22.984]
OACK: <blksize=512,tsize=7929856,> [18/10 23:44:22.985]
Using local port 59718 [18/10 23:44:22.985]
<tp_recovery.bin>: rcvd 15489 blks, 7929856 bytes in 1 s. 0 blk resent [18/10 23:44:23.823]
Hi xristos, did you follow the instruction that explains prepending the bootloader to the sysupgrade image? According to the instructions if there is no bootloader prepended, it will cause a brick. It seems good news that the router is still attempting a tftp connection. Which model are you using? What tp_recovery.bin file are you using?
From what I observe, the ethernet ports are all limited to 100 MBit/s. This is also what it says on the box of my device.
The biggest advantage of this device would be its low power usage plus the fact that the device mostly already has OpenWRT support for a long time with significant testing done by users of previous device versions.
i didnt cut anything i just stupidly downloaded and upgraded with openwrt-ramips-mt76x8-tplink_archer-c50-v6-squashfs-sysupgrade.bin
after that i tried all available firmware from here and c50's page on wrt but nothing seems to do anything
I'm sorry to hear this. Let it know if you feel it would be right to add extra warnings related to this and where it might be helpful.
From your screenshot it seems you're trying to use a TFTP client. If I understand the procedure correctly, you should actually set up a TFTP server which serves the right file. The device would request a particular filename from a particular IP address when you trigger its TFTP recovery mode. Note that I did not check this, please double check the instructions. Also note that it seems you need to do something specific with the official firmware image if that is what you are trying to recover to.
Alright, this model should work. Please keep us posted on your recovery process. I have the feeling you will figure it out! Just be extra careful with the image you will use for the recovery at this point!
i tried the server thingy but i dont understand how it will serve the file since there is no option to choose a file (if there is a procedure on how to flash a file then whenever a file is uploaded it would help to also mention in the same post the said procedure) since its a working progress the posts are a mess .thats an idea though
ive tried to recover to of and wrt none works like this ,so i do something wrong i guess like you said with the tftp server/client
Is there an option to choose a directory to serve? The filename would have to match with what the box tries to fetch.
Please share what kind of image you are trying to flash. Did you prepare it specifically with the instructions written down for TFTP recovery? Using dd to deal with the relevant parts? What instructions are you following? If you make a mistake now I think the chances of recovery do become very small.
like i said ive tried the stock from tp link Archer C50(EU)_V6_211108 i even cutted the parts said in the archers wrt page , ive tried an experamental from here ive tried some others found around ,none does anything the light keep blinking ,only option is to point to a dir through tftp server and i did that but i get
Message truncated (length was 8) [19/10 14:45:22.594]
and thats all
used hxd to select and cut the first 200 then Insert 0x30000 bytes at offset 00 and then also cut from the bottom up another 30.000 length then added
I'm sorry at this point I'm afraid it's not clear enough what's happening on your end for me to assist more. If you could find somebody in your vicinity with knowledge on the topic maybe that would help more also to provide more detailed information on what exactly you're trying and what's happening at this point.
i cant say im a programmer but i have no idea what information you are looking for , i have told you the steps i took , i have told you the way i tried to flash it and you replied that it should be done through the server and not the client and i thank you for it ,but i have no idea what are you looking for , it the same as all bad flashes ,i flashed the https://s-berg.nl/files/openwrt-ramips-mt76x8-tplink_archer-c50-v6-squashfs-sysupgrade.bin
the router got bricked , i tried getting the stock image ,cutted the first 200 then added 30.000 zeros and then i cutted the last 30.000 tried to flash it ,nothing ,then i tried the stock without touching it ,the same,then i tried the experamental here,the same ,then i tried some others i found ,the same .what more could someone else tell you that i cant ? i dont think you asked me for something i could tell you
after some messing around i manage to the server and flash it by using lan1 (thats the only change i made so i cant think it was something else) the firm flashes but i get a router with no lights at all after that
Connection received from on port 3722 [19/10 15:49:15.394]
Read request for file <tp_recovery.bin>. Mode octet [19/10 15:49:15.394]
OACK: <timeout=1,> [19/10 15:49:15.397]
Using local port 59951 [19/10 15:49:15.397]
<tp_recovery.bin>: sent 15490 blks, 7930368 bytes in 3 s. 0 blk resent [19/10 15:49:18.631]
Connection received from on port 1801 [19/10 15:56:36.714]
Read request for file <tp_recovery.bin>. Mode octet [19/10 15:56:36.714]
OACK: <timeout=1,> [19/10 15:56:36.718]
Using local port 57278 [19/10 15:56:36.718]
<tp_recovery.bin>: sent 15490 blks, 7930368 bytes in 3 s. 0 blk resent [19/10 15:56:39.945]