Hi @sjanulonoks you are not using irqbalance package for some reason?
Hi all, I know this is an old thread but any know how to tune the last stable build 19.07.1 for better performance? I get almost half of dl/ul speeds as my connection can do even with flow offload enabled. And connection is not even gigabit, it is 300 mbps, while I get some 150 mbps
In my case running c2600 & OpenVPN, I popped this in rc.local
and immediately noticed a difference in consistent throughput:
echo 35 > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/ondemand/up_threshold
echo 10 > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/ondemand/sampling_down_factor
I've been using this since 18.06.x, and now 19.07.1 with the same result.
edit: Download speeds were only affected when using the VPN.
@otnert thanks alot, that helped top my connection through wired (actually better than on stoc firmware) 299-300 mbps and wireless is also similar about 290+ mbps.
What is this actually doing to cpufreq? Is this like an overclook? Seems to be messing with the kernel ondemand governor...
Wow that's great! I wasn't sure what your result would be but I'm extremely surprised. I'm on a 50/20Mbps connection and it peaks this with ease.
Since using this tweak in conjunction with OpenVPN, it was the only setting that improved throughput to 95-100% of WAN line speed.
-means the CPU needs to be on average more than 35% in use to decide that the CPU frequency needs to be increased
-improves performance by reducing the overhead of load evaluation and helping the CPU stay at its top speed when truly busy
more info here: https://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/cpu-freq/governors.txt
just reporting in: I had similar issues on a 300/30 mbps line only reaching a maximum of 210-220 when connected through the router. using this I just managed to get to sweetspot of 300.1mbits. thanks
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