Tenda AC10U OpenWrt

I'd like a build of OpenWRT for the Tenda AC10U. If anyone has a build, I'd a appreciate it.

the search is a cool feature ...

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I looked around a bit, and everyone linked this https://github.com/vladisslav2011/openwrt-AC10. It says AC10, not AC10U, but still. And the people that say OpenWRT won't ever support the AC10U give no explanation.

do you need one ?
if they say it's never going to be supported, then they're probably correct ...
at least they have been (correct), for the last 2 years.

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Apparently the AC10 and the AC10U are the same routers, the U just stands for USB (the router has 1 USB 2.0 port). At least I think they are the same. If someone made OpenWRT for the AC10, then I would assume it works with the AC10U

And as already mentioned, the chances of that to happen are almost zero.

If it’s unclear why the AC10 cannot be supported, it’s due to the Realtek cpu/SOC - it has basically zero Linux support, which mean openwrt cannot support it either

Now it makes sense