Technicolor DWA0120/TG589 VAC v2 OpenWrt support?

Will you supportTechnicolor DWA0120/TG589 VAC v2 in near future? Got two of them and original firmware is crap. Any chance to get OpenWRT on those two devices?

@rasputin, welcome to the community!

Can you provide more information about the device?

Just naming the model provides no details on: hardware, CPU, memory, etc. - needed to understand if support is close/possible.

Usually, support would require you to do some testing, porting, etc.

thats what i found only
i able to test if ill get a right firmware.

  • The link provided does not list the makes and models of: memory, flash chip, CPU, WiFi chips, modem, etc. You may have to open the hardware's case to take pictures. If you must open the case, you should also have a USB to 3.3 Volt TTL serial converter available - to see the console as well.
  • I'm not sure you understood - you'll have to develop the firmware and use your device to test (or find someone who has the device or you're willing to purchase one to develop on)

DWA0120 and most of the new TG routers are running OpenWRT but in a very customised way.

The DWA0120 has a broadcom modem I know that as I have one. However as it's an ISP modem for fault finding and the standard BS with technicolour where they lock down SSH down tight so you can't directly access route I can go hunting for the rest of the info for you.

But as it has a Broadcom modem and acts like the Zytel VMG-1312-B10A then I think it's also Broadcom else where as well.

Hi, i now have one of these that is surplus to requirements, i will open and have a look inside :slight_smile:

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some pictures of the board