Table of hardware - supported current release out of date?

Hi, just wanted to ask about the current supported releases for the following devices:
Linksys EA8300
ZyXEL WSM20 (Multy M1)

Table of hardware states that the Linksys EA8300 supported current release is 22.03.2, however, the firmware selector states that 23.05.2 is available for the device.

For the ZyXEL WSM20 the table of hardware states that the supported current release is 23.05.0, however, the firmware selector states that 23.05.2 is available for the device.

Is this a case of the table of hardware not being up to date or is there known issues with the 23.05.2 builds on these devices and hence they have been omitted from the table of hardware for this reason?

Yes. I'm not fully familiar with the way the site is setup, but there are some scripts that are supposed to update the entries, but they don't seem to update all devices pages. There is a fair amount of manual work required to keep those pages current, so some of them lag behind.

The firmware selector is the go-to place for the latest versions.


You can run 23.05.2 on EA8300. Just be sure to change the kernel size prior to install.


Had the same issue with the Asus RT-AX53U, it showed 23.05.03 as latest version, even there was the 23.05.04 available.

I just hit there the "Edit" in the TOH and changed the version then

on the Techdata page which popped up.

It took then a couple minutes to update it in the TOH and on the device page.

I am wondering if that should get updated by a script when a new version gets released.
How does the OpenWrt Firmware Selector know which is the latest version?

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The Firmware Selector is based on compiled base images from the buildbots. If a device has a valid image from a more recent build it will show up for selection.

The TOH is based on templates as part of the wiki system, and as explained earlier, relies on human interaction at times to keep it current. I beleive @RaylynnKnight has pretty well taken on this task in conjunction with aparcar as point of contact for the toh.