Swap configured but not used

No, it’s not commercial. It just dawned on me that my desire to see the swap working for myself even though i have no real need for it may be an extension of that training. This openWrt has nothing to do with my job. I work with UX/UI people and people with engineering degrees… our current project is totally unrelated to internetworking devices or services.

I'd bet...

Inflation does that to a person's pockets :money_with_wings: ...welcome to the un-free OpenWrt Master Class. :man_teacher:

See: https://www.kernel.org/doc/html/latest/admin-guide/sysctl/vm.html

The default value is 60.

You were told this:

So this goes on to say:

For in-memory swap, like zram or zswap, as well as hybrid setups that have swap on faster devices than the filesystem, values beyond 100 can be" considered. For example, if the random IO against the swap device is on average 2x faster than IO from the filesystem, swappiness should be 133 (x + 2x = 200, 2x = 133.33).

You should raise your swap to a value x ≥ 100.

@RuralRoots - sorry my friend, it seems the higher the value.

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