SVN export issue

I'm using latest GIT sources and i've seen that some package can't be built. Same happens here too:

Since Ubuntu 20.04.01 LTS i've trying to update CA-Certs:
sudo update-ca-certificates -f -v
and they're updated but same issue happens too.

If i trying to fetch VPNC sources using SVN interactive they're works. But using OpenWRT doesn't.

Here is issue:
( svn help export | grep -q trust-server-cert && svn export --non-interactive --trust-server-cert -r550 vpnc-0.5.3.r550 || svn export --non-interactive -r550 vpnc-0.5.3.r550 )

So i dig why "non-interactive" export fail. And i found it! Trick is to add "-v"

( svn help export -v | grep -q trust-server-cert && svn export --non-interactive --trust-server-cert -r550 vpnc-0.5.3.r550 || svn export --non-interactive -r550 vpnc-0.5.3.r550 )

Hm... i digging little bit more here is location:
in section:

define DownloadMethod/svn
( svn help export | grep -q trust-server-cert &&
svn export --non-interactive --trust-server-cert -r$(VERSION) $(URL) $(SUBDIR) ||
svn export --non-interactive -r$(VERSION) $(URL) $(SUBDIR) )

Can someone confirm this?

PS: I'm clueless why Ubuntu 20.04.01 LTS doesn't have Let's Encrypt R3 CA in their CA bundle list...