Supporting thermal sensors on ipq806x

Interesting thing, if you just delete patch
Then everything compiles ok and temp should be shown

Hmm, seems that it shows wrong temp
cat /sys/class/ieee80211/phy0/device/hwmon/hwmon0/temp1_input
Shows 60C all the time

No temp is ok, but there are no millidegrees, just plain 60000, 65000 and so on

Any plans on adding support for wifi thermal into luci app statistics?)

That will not be quite so easy. The collectd thermal module expects to find the data in /sys/class/thermal, and this wifi temp gets placed in a totally different place. (and the value is apprently not in "temp" but in "temp1_input".

But I think that it might be possible to define a symlink(s) in /sys/class/thermal so that this value gets placed correctly as "temp" to a dir there making it look like a normal thermal device. But that sounds rather hacky.

With the r2437+1-a245772 I got the thermal sensor symlinks in /sys/class/thermal and collectd works with the thermal sensors, but there're also symlinks for cooling_device0 and cooling_device1. The latter two don't seem to have the temp hence their reporting is broken in luci.

Should I just kill the symlinks or is support for cooling_device0 and cooling_device1 is still being worked on?

In my R7800 I have configured Luci stats to exclude those two cooling things.

config statistics 'collectd_thermal'
        option enable '1'
        option IgnoreSelected '1'
        option Device 'cooling_device0 cooling_device1'

I do not think that those two cooling things will ever work as there are no fans or other cooling devices. In my opinion they might be removed from the devicetree (commented out to preserve the information ???), as likely there will not be much value in having them.

Thanks Hannu, this is definitely cleaner solution than removing symlinks. :wink:

Any luck hack-linking the thermal sensors from WiFi?

I have not looked into that as I am not that interested in the wifi thermal data. (And I am not sure if you even can create symlinks there. Possibly not.)