I just got this back from their support team
Intermediate firmware just dropped. https://drive.google.com/drive/mobile/folders/1BKVarlwlNxf7uJUtRhuMGUqeCa5KpMnj (via https://www.cudy.com/blogs/faq/openwrt-software-download)
that was surprisingly fast.
might want to link to the main URL of the gdrive, with all the files, instead of a deep link.
This intermediate firmware doesn't seem to include a GUI for changing it later to OpenWRT, do we still need UART to flash OpenWrt?
No, you'd flash via ssh.
After flashing cudy_tr3000-v1-sysupgrade.bin
via the OEM web UI, I got an address in and the standard OpenWrt UI is available at
If that's a screenshot from the Cudy interim image, you now need to flash it again, with proper Openwrt.
It bricked when I did that. I got Cudy's interim image, the OpenWrt that I got from here doesn't seem to work or do anything: https://firmware-selector.openwrt.org/?version=SNAPSHOT&target=mediatek%2Ffilogic&id=cudy_tr3000-v1
I flashed the SYSUPGRADE version using LuCI and after that the router is no longer accesible via
Try doing a reset.
@enmaskarado have you tried the interim fw from Cudy ?
Yes, I tested it today by restoring my router via TFTP to stock firmware. I was able to get back to OpenWrt with the intermediate firmware.
I noticed that the Firmware Selector only provides SNAPSHOT firmware, which does not come with LuCI and this needs to be installed manually. Is this the problem with @omarenm ?
Could be, if you don't know this....
Yes, that is what is happening to me. I'm trying to install LuCI manually but I struggle with the instructions here: https://openwrt.org/docs/guide-quick-start/ssh_connect_to_the_internet_and_install_luci
The router doesn't seem to be able to connect the internet so I cannot install the packages, also after that, I lose the ability to connect to it via SSH.
why are you doing it, does the default OpenWRT subnet clash with the existing LAN ?
Becuase I confused myself. OK now I'm all set. I used the Intermediate Cudy firmware to install the snapshot (sysupgrade version) then I connected to SSH and installed LuCI, everything is working now.
Thank you all!
A bit late to this party but if you use the OpenWRT Firmware Selector and click the "Customize installed packages and/or first boot script" button, you can customize the package list and thus include LuCI in the image.
Cudy posted intermediate firmwares for most models:
Wich OpenWRT would you recommend for TR3000? It seems the official support only exists in SNAPSHOT, but then packages install fail due to missing dependencies (eg. wireguard cannot be installed).
There's only one.
Actually, I've found also on eko.one.pl. Those builds from Cezary are usually pretty good, I've used them before for other routers.
No comment, never used them.