Good idea - in the meantime, I've disabled serial output and dumped /proc/kmsg, this got me to the end of the process...
I just built an image, based on the information for the 7490 above. It boots, but doesn't detect a PHY at the wasp address. The avm_cpmac driver doesn't probe the PHYs, so I suppose a driver needs to be ported / implemented.
Some progress: I hacked together a fake PHY driver that exposes the needed registers to sysfs. I have now read/write access to the Atheros SoC For anyone interested, I pushed this very experimental hack to github:
I'll now create a simple MDIO firmware uploader that can upload the stage 1 firmware.
I got everything together to fully support the 3390, see the progress in the separate thread Port to AVM FRITZ!Box 3390. I still think that a lot of this applies to the 7490 as well, although there is a different Atheros SoC. I do not have a 7490 to test, but IMHO it is worth a try.
EDIT: In the meantime, PRs for the 3390 have been created and I've been working on the 3490 (Port to AVM FRITZ!Box 3490). The 3490 looks very similar to the 7490 but lacks the telephony features. Apart from the USB controller, everything is working (fails to initialize devices).
I'd be interested in a 7490, in case somebody has a spare, drop me a line.
avm_fritz3490_wasp contains support for an ath79 target for the WiFi CPU. You want the avm_fritz3490 branch which contains support for a Lantiq target.
I also spare you some extra effort:
mdio-tool does not work on this target, because the necessary ioctls are not implemented.
upd72020x-load does not work on this target, probably because of endianness-problems.
wasp_downloader is going to prevent boot on the Lantiq target, because it waits for a configuration file upload over Ethernet. It only makes sense on the ath79 target.
Thanks, ok i will switch targets.... DONE:
4449459 Feb 2 13:56 openwrt-lantiq-xrx200-avm_fritz3490-initramfs-kernel.bin
4537089 Feb 2 13:56 openwrt-lantiq-xrx200-avm_fritz3490-squashfs-sysupgrade.bin
Still one question though is there a way I can instruct EVA bootloader to run an image from network, maybe using tftp?
Or can i test these kernels without flashing?
Before making too much assumptions, I suggest you read up on how the 3390 and 3490 work. Then it is clear that port 5 is connected to the WiFi SoC. A good start are the current PRs for the 3390, since there is a lot of background information included if you read through the comments.
If you read through this thread, you're going to find the previous efforts in porting OpenWrt to the device, including sources. Sorry to disappoint you, but it's definitely not the first OpenWrt on a 7490. Actually, my attempts on the 3390 are based on the efforts posted here.
My 7490 is running 7.12 and gets boot loop. Do you know how to get the bootlog like the one shown in the page I tried the com port (TX, RX, GND , 115200 n81) with PUTTY but it displays garbage. Also if I connect the RX pin to my usb UART, it hangs with the power/dsl led flashing. Many thanks in advance.
@slh thanks: I do not need DECT and DSL. I switched from VDSL2 to Cable provider and was left with the 7490. In fact I now use 7490 as access point running Freetz-ng and would also use 7490 as access point running Openwrt .
The WiFi part is only supported if you install additional patches, packages and compile a separate OpenWrt build for the WiFi hardware that runs from RAM. The pieces are generally there for the 3390 and the 3490, but you need to port them yourself to the 7490 (at least as far as I know).
The wasp_uploader needs to be included in the Lantiq target, the wasp_downloader needs to be included in the ath79 target. Then you need to pull ath_tgt_fw1.fw from an AVM firmware and place it into /opt/wasp along with the ath79 initramfs image. Then you can start the upload script with /opt/wasp/ If everything goes well, you can trigger the script from /etc/rc.local.
Be aware that the scripts are all not adapted for the 7490, so you will need to patch a lot. Plus, the MDIO uploader has only been tested on my 3390 and 3490 devices.