Support for TP-Link EAP225 Outdoor v3

Cool, thanks for checking. By the way, my build was a checkout from 6/27/2023 and configured for CONFIG_TARGET_ath79_generic_DEVICE_tplink_eap225-v4=y with LuCI added. no other modifications other than the patch. I switched it to wpad-wolfssl after flashing and have been using it as an AP for enterprise wifi for a day or two (basic authenticator). No problems so far but I haven't done much in the way of performance testing or anything like that.

Hi Matt,

Could you please give me some direction how I would apply this patch to my firmware file? Trying to get this going on v3 with 5.1 firmware. Any help much appreciated!

I'm experiencing the exact same with EAP225-Outdoor V3 firmware 5.1.0. Any help with @mudlark patch is welcome :slight_smile:

After spending a full day trying to compile openwrt with the patch only to discover that it can't be compiled on an arm64/aarch64 CPU (I've got a newfangled Apple silicon Mac), I was successful with a much simpler (and hackier) approach.

Thanks to @mudlark's incredibly helpful earlier post analyzing the difference between the stock firmware and OpenWrt, I was able to change the version number and compat_level in the openwrt firmware binary directly, which is all that patch ends up doing in the end, anyway.

Definitely refer to the original post, YMMV since I'm repeating this from memory, but here's what I did in a hex editor (any should do):

  • Find the string 00 00 00 10 00 00 00 00 FF that immediately precedes the version number.
  • Change the next 3 bytes to anything higher than 5.1.0, like 05 01 01. I believe it was something else in the image file I downloaded, all zeros or something.
  • Find the compat_level (it's currently 01, 12 bytes after the version number if I'm counting right) and change that to 02.

You'll still need to run cliclientd stopcs via SSH, but after that the edited firmware file should upload fine.


This worked. Once on OpenWRT, I'm able to flash whatever I like so all good :slight_smile:

This worked for me as well - thank you for the fix! Much appreciated!

for those who got it to work, can someone please share their firmware images. the toh page on openwrt website still shows blank. thanks.

I downloaded and compiled openwrt for the EAP225 V3 with the firmware patch to raise the version number so it would flash the firmware, however upon flashing the unit was no longer accessible and after investigation on the serial console I am experiencing the same ag71xx 19000000.eth: Could not connect to PHY device. Deferring probe. error and no ethernet connectivity. Is there something I am missing when I am building the OpenWRT image?

Hello guys,

it would be prefered, if some1 of you could share us a .bin file that works so we are not going to destroy the device on flashing.

@mrm you mean this bytes?

the three yellow bytes it was my modification but I cannot find anywhere the compat_level and you wrote something about the 12byte after the last modified byte.
Do you mean this "0d" or the "0f" position?

Both on the official firmware and openwrt-firmware I could not find the 01 value but its actually "ff"

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I think this line is the intendet one
you should search by the pattern in the hex code

I changed these in the latest factory bin for eap225 outdoor v3 from here:

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It would be really nice if someone could share a working firmware here, ideally with luci in it as well.

really appreciated!


Now I get Failed to check for new update with the latest factory .bin file from today...

Ofc I did in advance over ssh : clicclientd stopcs

But still I cannot flash the bin over the web Interface from tp link...


I'm curious to know if anyone has been able to increase the Tx Power (Transmission Power) on the 5GHz Radio above the stock 22dBM?

TP-Link Support claims 22dBm is the max, however, the FCC Test Results indicate -30dBm

(note: since I couldn't attach the test link directly, anyone interested in a deeper dive of the Test Results: Google FCC TE7EAP225)


Depends on channel used - some are for indoor or outdoor only
and some have 100mW or 25mW restriction:

iw reg get
country : DFS-ETSI
(2400 - 2483 @ 40), (N/A, 20), (N/A)
(5150 - 5250 @ 80), (N/A, 23), (N/A), NO-OUTDOOR, AUTO-BW
(5250 - 5350 @ 80), (N/A, 20), (0 ms), NO-OUTDOOR, DFS, AUTO-BW
(5470 - 5725 @ 160), (N/A, 26), (0 ms), DFS
(5725 - 5875 @ 80), (N/A, 13), (N/A)
(5945 - 6425 @ 160), (N/A, 23), (N/A), NO-OUTDOOR
(57000 - 66000 @ 2160), (N/A, 40), (N/A)

i use

uci set wireless.radio0.channels='36-48,100-116,132-140'
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Hello, where do I get a working fw for the V3, is there a build including Luci?

Tx. Appreciated!

Request to anyone with a TP-Link EAP225 Outdoor v3 with OpenWRT installed...

Would you kindly check 5GHz Channel 165 and see what your TxPower options are? If above 22dBm, does changing it to say -30dBm actually increase the actually power output?

using build 23.05.0, I can increase to 23dbm
default was 22dbm

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Thanks for checking !

So, reading over the thread I'm a little confused. Am I safe to do an upgrade from a snapshot?