Support for RBSXTsq2nD SXTsq Lite2

Thank you very much for saving my efforts. "mtd erase firmware" was the key to a successful sysupgrade (on the first attempt). I can confirm that last OpenWrt snapshot for LHG 2nD works great on SXTsq2nD SXTsq Lite2. Finally at home(openrwrt) on this useful tiny device. Thanks again

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You're welcome. Patch submitted here

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hi i just received my loved LHG2 xl, flashed and working right.
so the wiki can be update, the only think is that all devices are working right LHG2/LHG2xl, SXTsq2, LDF2, but with the same name for every device. MikroTik RouterBOARD LHG 2nD.

also this are the info for every device.
LHG2 antenna 18 dbi, radio tx power 28 dbm
LHG 2 xl antenna 21 dbi, radio txpower 28 dbm
SXTsq2 antenna 10 dbi , radio txpower 30 dbm
LDF2 antenna 9 dbi, radio txpower, not sure if 28 or 30 dbm

Well, is there any news about the firmware? When will OpenWRT be released for this device?


NB: The SXTsq Lite2 is the exact same hardware has the LHG 2, with a different case and antenna: it can run the LHG 2nD image just fine.

I've been using it for months without problems

How did you install it? I can't boot openwrt image over tinny pxe on my SXTsq Lite2, I have some error, 10054 connection reset by peer.

EDIT: My bad, I had an additional network adapter plugged in. As soon as I disconnected it, everything was fine. Openwrt 23.05.0 works like a charm.