Support for Mikrotik Hap AC2

That is weird as I compiled and tested it at least 30-40 times during the last cleanup before push
netinstall does not work as you changed it dhcp?

What do you mean? The first time i installed openwrt i have used boot over ethernet with dhcp

Thats what I mean, you changed the ethernet boot protocol from bootp to dhcp.
Netinstall only works with dhcp, cant you boot an initramfs over dhcp?

I'm trying it but it does not find any device. I have put the network IP at and tried pressing reset button when connecting the power, but it does not work too. I'ts like it does not enter in TFTP/DHCP boot mode.

Hm, that is really weird.
Have you tried holding the reset button to get into the backup bootloader?

Wait it seems like now it is booting the init ram image. It's strange because it didn't boot at first try, i saw the usr light blinking, then it was fixed and started blinking again. After that i saw the input log in Tiny PXE Server.

I don't know what happend, i spent 20 minutes doing the same thing that i did now...

ED: i'll check again the latest build, maybe i made a mistake or there was a fail upgrade.

Never mind, there is something wrong in the imagebuilder that i build because the images doesn't work even in stock settings. Just tried the one compiled by the builder and works well. Tomorrow i'll take a look into the imagebuilder.

That's the only error i found when building images from imagebuilder

Collected errors:
 * pkg_hash_fetch_best_installation_candidate: Packages for libc found, but incompatible with the architectures configured

I don't know why it does not stop building the image when it catches and error or if this is the problem but why the image won't boot, but i don't have any problems with other architectures.

You need to rebuild it as there is now a Mikrotik sub-target in IPQ40xx

I know, i cloned the branch again, build with the new subtarget and just selected default options plus the imagebuilder.

Hm, it makes no sense then.
Why are you even using the imagebuilder if you are building from source?

Because i have custom scripts and configs that i usually add to the image it self.

But you can do that without imagebuilder also

Well, i have 3 units and it's easier to make its own image for every unit with imagebuilder, just that but i won't be using it for now.

There has been some bugs around opkg recently, so you may be triggering one of those

Yes, i compiled latest master and applied your patch and now builds made with imagebuilder are working fine. Maybe they fixed something in the lasts days.

Hi guys.
Any new builds are available for test?

@robimarko don't want to mess the pr from github. Did you tried your last commit? I compiled 2 times but the unit does not start, it gets in a bootloop. Clean config.

Of course I did, nothing fundamental changed.
I would suggest fully rebuilding as I force push changes so buildroot my not like that.

Initramfs booted fine as well as sysupgrade from it.

I'll try again this weekend. I always make full clean builds. Thank you for everything.