Support for GL.iNet GL-B3000

Ok so I've had a look at it. I can get this done i think. However, I have a couple questions before i start my initial r&d.

Am i missing something ?? -->IPQ5018: Support for Linksys MX2000 Atlas 6 & MX5500 Atlas 6 Pro

I had a look at mainline. I found the dts, and initial boot support patches. for this board. I have some question on how best to lay it out. I will compile what questions i have regarding the way you'd like it structured, and once i have the unit, I'll start the official support thread and get started.

I like what i see a this point, not as gargantuan of a task as I was prepared for. But there is much work to be done.

+++ b/arch/arm64/boot/dts/qcom/ipq5018-mp03.1-c2.dts

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