Support for Alcatel HH40V?

Unluckily I have a lack of specialized programming skills and router hardware experience. I have no idea how to get such a task done without a step by step guide. Is "access the modem" meant as SSH access? By which means could I control the modem? Could it work by modifying the GPIO pins in the /sys/class/gpio area?

Yes, SSH access. Check out the instructions at

It does seem that it is a HH40V, at least according to the label on the back. I'll try to get a fresh backup & patched backup done over the weekend and upload them somewhere.

Alternatively, anyone willing to share a patched config.bin from a working HH40V for me to test if restoring that one would work?

Thank you for your hint! Unluckily my skills aren't sufficient to solve this issue. I will use a tape to "disable" the LEDs :slight_smile:

I could provide my modified configure.bin. Unluckily it is only allowed to upload pictures in this forum. If it is okay I can copy paste the file content here. Or can you recommend a file server, where I can upload it?