Still upgradable packages?

I bulid an image from git with

 git clone x
 cd x
 ./scripts/feeds update -a
 ./scripts/feeds install -a

After that "opkg list-upgradable" on the device stills show upgradable packages:

unbound-daemon - 1.13.1-1 - 1.13.1-5
libgd - 2.3.2-1 - 2.3.2-2
unbound-control - 1.13.1-1 - 1.13.1-5
libunbound - 1.13.1-1 - 1.13.1-5
libwebp - 1.2.0-1 - 1.2.0-3
libjpeg-turbo - 2.1.0-1 - 2.1.0-3
libuv1 - 1.41.0-1 - 1.41.0-3
Collected errors:
 * pkg_hash_check_unresolved: cannot find dependency kernel (= 5.10.46-1-78562504a701e22ae17585f15e8cf6aa) for kmod-nfnetlink
 * pkg_hash_fetch_best_installation_candidate: Packages for kmod-nfnetlink found, but incompatible with the architectures configured
 * pkg_hash_check_unresolved: cannot find dependency kernel (= 5.10.46-1-78562504a701e22ae17585f15e8cf6aa) for kmod-ipt-ipset
 * pkg_hash_fetch_best_installation_candidate: Packages for kmod-ipt-ipset found, but incompatible with the architectures configured
 * pkg_hash_check_unresolved: cannot find dependency kernel (= 5.10.46-1-78562504a701e22ae17585f15e8cf6aa) for kmod-nf-conntrack-netlink
 * pkg_hash_fetch_best_installation_candidate: Packages for kmod-nf-conntrack-netlink found, but incompatible with the architectures configured

Why are these newer package versions not included during make and i have to update on the device?

by jow at irc:

that upgradable libuv might be an AUTORELEASE artifact
problem is that by defualt package feeds are cloned shallow, which causes the pkg revision calculation to be off

sed -e 's/src-git/src-git-full/g' feeds.conf.default > feeds.conf
./scripts/feeds update

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