Starting with mesh networks

I didn't have time lately to play around with this, but after some google-ing and experimenting I seem to have success with encryption (finally). The trick was to change "option encryption 'authsae' ". If seems we just need to put 'psk2' or 'psk2+ccmp' like "normal". I am using wpad-mesh (without authsae)

This results in:


inside the /tmp/run/wpa_supplicant-wlan0-conf.

iw dev wlan0 station dump shows:
mesh plink : ESTAB

Changing the "key" to something different this changes to:

mesh plink : BLOCK

I'm not sure how else to verify that encryption is working. Can we Wireshark an "open" mesh and just see "plain-text" ??

That might be it, I'll try with a fixed channel a bit later.

Had a bit more time to experiment with mesh -- I can't get the WiFi SSID (***E0BC) to show up on my devices, these are my settings/output:

MT300N in ~ # show network

config interface 'loopback'
	option ifname 'lo'
	option proto 'static'
	option ipaddr ''
	option netmask ''

config globals 'globals'
	option ula_prefix 'fd10:5bf1:5470::/48'

config interface 'lan'
	option type 'bridge'
	option proto 'static'
	option netmask ''
	option ip6assign '60'
	option ipaddr ''
	option ifname 'eth0.1 wlan0 mesh'

config device 'lan_dev'
	option name 'eth0.1'
	option macaddr 'e4:95:6e:40:e0:bc'

config interface 'wan'
	option ifname 'eth0.2'
	option proto 'dhcp'
	option hostname 'MT300N'
	option peerdns '0'
	option delegate '0'

config device 'wan_dev'
	option name 'eth0.2'
	option macaddr 'e4:95:6e:40:e0:bd'

config interface 'wan6'
	option ifname 'eth0.2'
	option proto 'dhcpv6'

config switch
	option name 'switch0'
	option reset '1'
	option enable_vlan '1'

config switch_vlan
	option device 'switch0'
	option vlan '1'
	option ports '1 2 3 4 6t'

config switch_vlan
	option device 'switch0'
	option vlan '2'
	option ports '0 6t'

MT300N in ~ # show wireless

config wifi-device 'radio0'
	option type 'mac80211'
	option hwmode '11g'
	option path 'platform/10180000.wmac'
	option channel '1'
	option country 'US'
	option htmode 'HT40'
	option txpower '30'

config wifi-iface 'default_radio0'
	option device 'radio0'
	option network 'lan'
	option mode 'ap'
	option key '***'
	option encryption 'psk2+ccmp'
	option ssid '***E0BC'

config wifi-iface
	option device 'radio0'
	option network 'lan'
	option mode 'mesh'
	option mesh_id '***mesh'
	option encryption 'psk2+ccmp'
	option key '***'

MT300N in ~ # iw list
Wiphy phy0
	max # scan SSIDs: 4
	max scan IEs length: 2257 bytes
	max # sched scan SSIDs: 0
	max # match sets: 0
	max # scan plans: 1
	max scan plan interval: -1
	max scan plan iterations: 0
	Retry short long limit: 2
	Coverage class: 0 (up to 0m)
	Available Antennas: TX 0 RX 0
	Supported interface modes:
		 * IBSS
		 * managed
		 * AP
		 * AP/VLAN
		 * monitor
		 * mesh point
	Band 1:
		Capabilities: 0x2fe
			SM Power Save disabled
			RX Greenfield
			RX HT20 SGI
			RX HT40 SGI
			RX STBC 2-streams
			Max AMSDU length: 3839 bytes
		Maximum RX AMPDU length 65535 bytes (exponent: 0x003)
		Minimum RX AMPDU time spacing: 2 usec (0x04)
		HT TX/RX MCS rate indexes supported: 0-15, 32
			* 2412 MHz [1] (30.0 dBm)
			* 2417 MHz [2] (30.0 dBm)
			* 2422 MHz [3] (30.0 dBm)
			* 2427 MHz [4] (30.0 dBm)
			* 2432 MHz [5] (30.0 dBm)
			* 2437 MHz [6] (30.0 dBm)
			* 2442 MHz [7] (30.0 dBm)
			* 2447 MHz [8] (30.0 dBm)
			* 2452 MHz [9] (30.0 dBm)
			* 2457 MHz [10] (30.0 dBm)
			* 2462 MHz [11] (30.0 dBm)
			* 2467 MHz [12] (disabled)
			* 2472 MHz [13] (disabled)
			* 2484 MHz [14] (disabled)
	valid interface combinations:
		 * #{ managed, AP, mesh point } <= 8,
		   total <= 8, #channels <= 1
	HT Capability overrides:
		 * MCS: ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff
		 * maximum A-MSDU length
		 * supported channel width
		 * short GI for 40 MHz
		 * max A-MPDU length exponent
		 * min MPDU start spacing
MT300N in ~ # cat /var/run/wpa_supplicant-wlan0.conf



Any ideas?

PS. If I comment out the mesh interface settings in /etc/config/wireless then my other interface comes up and I can see it on my WiFi devices.

Turns out the encryption is at fault. If I remove the encryption and the key options, everything works.

With the encryption enabled I can't get the interface to start.
I've tried both (individually/separately):

option encryption 'psk2+ccmp'
option encryption 'authsae'

And neither works. I have wpad-mesh installed and trying it on LEDE 17.01.4.

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I had no success with wpad-mesh and encryption. My experiments are using the packages wpad-mini and authsae (17.01.4 on x86-legacy thin clients and extrooted TL-WR703Ns).

My guinea pigs only can join the mesh when the password matches, so it at least halfway works.

As long as I don't know how to verify that encryption really is doing its job I do not bridge the mesh to my LAN or WAN interfaces. So I have not tried bridging it yet.

Sorry late reply, I was on the road so I could not check my wireless setting:

root@OpenWrt:~# cat /etc/config/wireless

config wifi-device 'radio0'
	option type 'mac80211'
	option channel '6'
	option hwmode '11g'
	option path 'platform/qca953x_wmac'
	option htmode 'HT40'
    option noscan '1'

config wifi-iface
        option device 'radio0'
        option network 'lan'
        option mode 'mesh'
        option mesh_id 'RichieMesh'
        option encryption 'psk2+ccmp'
        option key 'Secret'

config wifi-iface
        option device 'radio0'
        option network 'lan'
        option mode 'ap'
        option ssid 'RichieAP'
        option encryption 'psk2+ccmp'
        option key 'Password'

The router is just plugged in one of my bedrooms in the "middle" of my apartment. I can connect just fine the its AP and get internet/lan via the Mesh. IP addresses are via DHCP on my main router, and my devices get these just fine via the "mesh". Using only wpad-mesh. The authsae package is really old and depreciated.
Does encryption really work...thats a good question. I don't know how to check, I can only confirm that without a key or wrong key it doesn't connect. Suppose it doesn't work, should I be able to see the mesh-traffic as "plain-text" using wireshark, and how?

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I'll give it another shot when I have some free time, but I just wanted to say @drbrains -- huge thank you for replying in this thread and to PMs of multiple people trying to achieve working mesh setup.

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No way! I cannot get my mesh up with wpad-mesh.
It works with wpad-mini and authsae.

Maybe I'm really old and depreciated too... :stuck_out_tongue:

Hi there.
I'm new to working with Mesh Networks. I've been trying to install packages on my R7800 Netgear router, via opkg. But everytime I try this 'opkg install wpad authsae', I get the following message :

Package authsae (2014-06-09-8531ab158910a525d4bcbb3ad02c08342f6987f2) installed
in root is up to date.
Configuring libnl-tiny.
//usr/lib/opkg/info/libnl-tiny.postinst: //usr/lib/opkg/info/libnl-tiny.postinst
: 4: default_postinst: not found
Configuring authsae.
//usr/lib/opkg/info/authsae.postinst: //usr/lib/opkg/info/authsae.postinst: 4: d
efault_postinst: not found
Configuring babeld.
//usr/lib/opkg/info/babeld.postinst: //usr/lib/opkg/info/babeld.postinst: 4: def
ault_postinst: not found
Configuring hostapd-common.
//usr/lib/opkg/info/hostapd-common.postinst: //usr/lib/opkg/info/hostapd-common.
postinst: 4: default_postinst: not found
Collected errors:
 * check_data_file_clashes: Package wpad wants to install file /usr/sbin/hostapd
        But that file is already provided by package  * qca-hostap
 * check_data_file_clashes: Package wpad wants to install file /usr/sbin/wpa_sup
        But that file is already provided by package  * qca-wpa-supplicant
 * opkg_install_cmd: Cannot install package wpad.
 * pkg_run_script: package "libnl-tiny" postinst script returned status 127.
 * opkg_configure: libnl-tiny.postinst returned 127.
 * pkg_run_script: package "authsae" postinst script returned status 127.
 * opkg_configure: authsae.postinst returned 127.
 * pkg_run_script: package "babeld" postinst script returned status 127.
 * opkg_configure: babeld.postinst returned 127.
 * pkg_run_script: package "hostapd-common" postinst script returned status 127.
 * opkg_configure: hostapd-common.postinst returned 127.

This is the content of my opkg.conf file

dest root /
dest ram /tmp
lists_dir ext /var/opkg-lists
option overlay_root /overlay
option check_signature 1
src/gz snapshots_base

Any ideas on how to resolve this ?? This is the link that i'm following :

Any help would be much appreciated !!

You can only have one package providing a specific file. You need to remove the conflicting package before replacing it.

For me to bring up encrypted 802.11s on an Archer C7 under 17.01.4, I remove wpad-mini and then install wpad-mesh then seem to need to reboot.

config wifi-iface
	option device 'radio1'
	option mode 'mesh'
	option mesh_id '<mesh ID redacted>'
	option mesh_fwding '1'
	option encryption 'psk2/aes'
	option key '<pass-string redacted>'
	option network 'mesh_if'
# iw phy phy0 interface add mon0 type monitor
# ip link set mon0 up
# tcpdump -i mon0 -s 65535 -w /tmp/wireless.cap
tcpdump: listening on mon0, link-type IEEE802_11_RADIO (802.11 plus radiotap header), capture size 65535 bytes

Copy to an appropriate machine and open with wireshark

Frame 1: 145 bytes on wire (1160 bits), 145 bytes captured (1160 bits)
Radiotap Header v0, Length 13
802.11 radio information
IEEE 802.11 Data, Flags: .p....FT
    Type/Subtype: Data (0x0020)
    Frame Control Field: 0x0843
    .000 0000 0000 0000 = Duration: 0 microseconds
    Receiver address: <redacted>
    Destination address: <redacted>
    Transmitter address: <redacted>
    Source address: <redacted>
    BSS Id: <redacted>
    .... .... .... 0000 = Fragment number: 0
    1000 0101 0010 .... = Sequence number: 2130
    WEP parameters
        Initialization Vector: 0x001f6b
        Key Index: 0
        WEP ICV: 0x00000000 (not verified)
Data (94 bytes)
    Data: 0000aaaa0300000008004500005812ec4000402ffb700a0b...
    [Length: 94]

Looks like it to me...


Do you also have authsae installed?

No, I don't see it in the output of okpg list-installed

Ones I see that seem to me to be related are:

  • hostapd-common - 2016-12-19-ad02e79d-7
  • libopenssl - 1.0.2n-1
  • kmod-cfg80211 - 4.4.116+2017-01-31-3
  • kmod-mac80211 - 4.4.116+2017-01-31-3
  • netifd - 2017-01-25-650758b1-1
  • wpad-mesh - 2016-12-19-ad02e79d-7

It also runs with 17.01.4 and its packages. Those versions happen to be what is on them right now.

Edit: When I look at the authsae package, it looks like it hasn't been updated in content since 2015

commit 939175e9f253959fa3d68c1bc85cd985680183ba
Author: John Crispin <>
Date:   Tue Nov 24 18:28:35 2015 +0000

The only changes since then have been in the Makefile and the version given is


hostapd shows

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Is libopenssl required for mesh encryption to work?

Edit: Yes libopenssl gets pulled in by wpad-mesh

Package: wpad-mesh
Version: 2016-12-19-ad02e79d-7
Depends: libc, libnl-tiny, libubus, libopenssl

If you do build libopenssl into an image, you might want to set CONFIG_OPENSSL_WITH_COMPRESSION=y otherwise uhttpd won't run TLS sucessfully, at least as configured by default.


i have a setup a mesh network among 5 routers utilizing 802.11s mesh routing protocols, now i have two switches with trunk and access ports and what i am trying to do is to propagate VLAN taggs over my mesh nework (connect one mesh router to the source switch and another to the destination switch ) so as to avoid redundant mesh broadcast flow.
now the question is that are vlan taggs propagated among these routers from source switch to the destination switch using mesh routing protocol . does the mesh setup understand vlan tagging or not

That would great if anyone can guide me through this .

You'll need Level 2 bridging over the 802.11s links, as VLAN tagging is a Level 2 thing. GRE is one way to handle that.

as one reference. I use a slightly different configuration, eliminating one of the Linux bridges called out there, but the concept is the same. Performance of GRE is very good with low overhead and low CPU load.

hey @jeff thanls for your prompt response but isn't GRE for direct tunneling communication among two routers ? The scenario which I want to implement is to use kinda multihop communication. meaning from the source to the destination many routers are engaged and frames are pass through intermmediate nodes (other 3 routers) not just direct communication

Perhaps your objectives are different than mine, so let me quickly lay out what mine are:

  1. Isolate various classes of devices from each other, and potentially limiting their outside access
  2. Provide different services to each class of device (DNS, for example)
  3. Wireless connectivity to most APs
  4. Allow "seamless" roaming between multiple APs
  5. Relatively easy to maintain, once set up

#1 I achieve through providing an SSID for each class of device, with its own subnet and VLAN
#2 I achieve by using VLAN-aware service hosts, running multiple instances, as needed
#3 I currently use 802.11s with GRE encapsulation

#4 As 802.11s, as far as I know, is effectively a routed protocol at Layer 3. The mesh is transparent to clients roaming between APs which are connected over the mesh. They aren't mesh clients, but are AP clients. While I could put every AP's clients on their own subnet and route between them, I'd need a dynamic routing protocol, which wouldn't be fast enough, especially with 802.11r. It would also mean replicating non-routable services, such as DHCP and NTP broadcast on the VLANs associated with each AP, violating #5, easy to maintain. So I chose to bridge (Layer 2) each of the VLANs among the APs and the gateway to the rest of the world rather than route them.

At a high level, my setup for each AP (including the "master" AP) looks like:

  • AP with distinct SSID for each class, with a VLAN constant across my entire network for that class of device
  • No cross-VLAN routing permitted at any AP or at the master AP
  • Mesh node to provide connectivity among the APs and the master AP; node-to-node self-routing provided by 802.11s
  • GRE tunnel over the mesh addresses, between each AP and the master AP
  • Each VLAN tunneled over the GRE tunnel
  • Ethernet connectivity between the master AP and the rest of the network (VLAN tagged)
  • Services provided elsewhere on VLAN-aware service hosts
  • Routing provided elsewhere on VLAN-aware router/firewall

Here is my setup

   <laptop>----access<TP link switch1>Trunk(p5)----<buffalo router1>-----5GHZ-----<Bufallo router2>---trunk(p5)<TP link switch2>access---cisco routers(4 router each having separate vlans)

My Buffalo routers are communicating via 5GHz mesh protocol
Both switches: port 1vlan11, port2:vlan12, port3 vlan 21,port4 vlan 22 and port 5 default vlan 1(trunk)
Cisco routers: 1st router port1 , 2nd one port2, 3rd one port 3 and 4th one port 4

The thing i am trying to investigate is to find out whether the mesh protocol between 2 routers understands vlan taging . For example I can ping cisco 1 plugged to port 1 of switch2( vlan 11) form my laptop only when its connected to port 1 of the switch1 (without touching the vlaning configuration of bufallo switches ). can anyone explains if its possible?

However the laptop can only ping the first buffalo rotuer only when the ports are swapped (laptop ---> trunk port and bufallo--->access port) and can't ping in the scenario above. can anyone clarify the reason ?

thanks in advance