[SOLVED]Want to install SQM

When I searched for sqm and clicked install got this Pop-up.
Should I install dependencies first or it will be taken care of automatically?

Also note below are upgrades available, but I have read that it's not encouraged to upgrade individual packages.(https://openwrt.org/docs/guide-user/additional-software/opkg#upgrading_packages)

Details for package luci-app-sqm

Version: 25.027.83426~170375e
Size: ~20.00 KiB installed
    luci-base Installed
        rpcd Installed
            libubus20250102 Installed
                libubox20240329 Installed
            libuci20250120 Installed
            libblobmsg-json20240329 Installed
                libjson-c5 Installed
        rpcd-mod-file Installed
        rpcd-mod-luci Installed
            libnl-tiny1 Installed
        rpcd-mod-ucode Installed
            libucode20230711 Installed
        cgi-io Installed
        ucode Installed
        ucode-mod-fs Installed
        ucode-mod-uci Installed
        ucode-mod-ubus Installed
        ucode-mod-math Installed
        ucode-mod-html Installed
        liblucihttp-ucode Installed
            liblucihttp0 Installed
    sqm-scripts (90.00 KiB) Not installed
        tc-bpf (470.00 KiB) Not installed | tc-full (470.00 KiB) Not installed | tc-tiny (400.00 KiB) Not installed
            kmod-sched-core (190.00 KiB) Not installed
                kernel Installed
            libmnl0 Installed
            libbpf1 (390.00 KiB) Not installed
                libelf1 (140.00 KiB) Not installed
                    zlib (140.00 KiB) Not installed
            libxtables12 (70.00 KiB) Not installed
        kmod-sched-cake (40.00 KiB) Not installed
        kmod-ifb (20.00 KiB) Not installed
        iptables-nft (10.00 KiB) Not installed | iptables-zz-legacy (10.00 KiB) Not installed
            kmod-ipt-core (60.00 KiB) Not installed
                kmod-nf-reject Installed
                kmod-nf-ipt (60.00 KiB) Not installed
                kmod-nf-log Installed
            xtables-nft (200.00 KiB) Not installed
                libnftnl11 Installed
                libiptext0 (210.00 KiB) Not installed
                libiptext6-0 (70.00 KiB) Not installed
                libiptext-nft0 (140.00 KiB) Not installed
                kmod-nft-compat (20.00 KiB) Not installed
                    kmod-nft-core Installed
                        kmod-nfnetlink Installed
                        kmod-nf-reject6 Installed
                        kmod-nf-conntrack6 Installed
                            kmod-nf-conntrack Installed
                        kmod-nf-nat Installed
                        kmod-nf-log6 Installed
                        kmod-lib-crc32c Installed
                            kmod-crypto-crc32c Installed
                                kmod-crypto-hash Installed
            xtables-legacy (70.00 KiB) Not installed
                libip4tc2 (70.00 KiB) Not installed
                libip6tc2 (70.00 KiB) Not installed
        iptables-mod-ipopt (920.00 KiB) Not installed
            kmod-ipt-ipopt (50.00 KiB) Not installed


Luci interface for the SQM scripts queue management package

Require approx. 4.30 MiB size for 26 package(s) to install.

Update 1:
Tried to install luci-app-sqm
got below error
Unable to execute opkg install command: SyntaxError: JSON.parse: unexpected end of data at line 1 column 1 of the JSON data

even if upgrading packages' probably safer now, with apk in snapshots, I still wouldn't do it.

We seem to drag in a lot of bpf stuff, in spite of core sqm-scripts not using bpf at all... I guess that is indirect via tc...

bro I that got all over my forehead

it says not enough storage for the installation.
can i remove ip6 completely? and will it freeup any storage?

Nothing that comes with the image will free up any space, if uninstalled.

What internet access capacity do you have? With this oldish broadcom? platform I doubt sqm will allow more than say 50 Mbps aggregate (total sum of download and upload shaping).
Is there a chance for you to upgrade your router to something more capable?

You could try building an image with luci-app-sqm already included:

but I have zero intuition whether that will work out.

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will give it a try with ipv6 removed. may be it will fit then.

Mmmh, then you will need to build your own firmware from scratch... anything that is included in the /rom can not be really deleted at run time, that is it can be marked deleted in the overlay so it can not be accessed any more, but it will not free any storage space...
Also, IIRC, does openwrt by now assumes at least local IPv6 so removing IPv6 is still possible but likely not well tested anymore.

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You could try QoSmate. Fewer dependencies and therefore probably less space needed.

my primary connection is 100MBPS and Secondary is 250MBPS.
I gave your idea a go and built the rom using luci-app-sqm and it upgraded the firmware.
It works fine.
My current Setup is
1x100MBPS(gigabit ethernet capable with dual band wifi router ZTE F660)
3x gigabit ethernet switch
1x250MBPS(also dualband wifi and gigabit ethernet capable - Sytotech - will update on model number)
1x30MBPS router(it came free with landline connection and can be ignored from network)
My goal

  1. Set all devices to same ip range - Accomplished

  2. Setup SQM for both wan connections - Yet to figure out

  3. Keep all lan devices onto gigabit switches - Accomplished

  4. If possible would be great to use either connection as fallback when other fails

Thanks in advance.

You can configure multiple sqm instances, as long as they use different interfaces... (but I doubt that your router, assuming the TP-Link TD-W8968V4 from your signature, will be able to shape 100 Mbps, let alone 250 Mbps)...

I would look at mwan3 for that...

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