[SOLVED] Unlimited dhcp renew on wan port

i'm using a TOTOLINK A8000RU, with latest snapshot. i'm connected to internet with DHCP. i just noticed in the log that, although I have already got my ip, the router is constently sending DHCP RENEW requests, every 2,5 min.

Sat Feb 12 08:06:14 2022 daemon.notice netifd: wan (2139): udhcpc: sending renew to server
Sat Feb 12 08:06:14 2022 daemon.notice netifd: wan (2139): udhcpc: lease of 93.22.xxx.xxx obtained from, lease time 300
Sat Feb 12 08:08:44 2022 daemon.notice netifd: wan (2139): udhcpc: sending renew to server
Sat Feb 12 08:08:44 2022 daemon.notice netifd: wan (2139): udhcpc: lease of 93.22.xxx.xxx obtained from, lease time 300
Sat Feb 12 08:11:13 2022 daemon.notice netifd: wan (2139): udhcpc: sending renew to server
Sat Feb 12 08:11:13 2022 daemon.notice netifd: wan (2139): udhcpc: lease of 93.22.xxx.xxx obtained from, lease time 300
Sat Feb 12 08:13:43 2022 daemon.notice netifd: wan (2139): udhcpc: sending renew to server
Sat Feb 12 08:13:43 2022 daemon.notice netifd: wan (2139): udhcpc: lease of 93.22.xxx.xxx obtained from, lease time 300
Sat Feb 12 08:16:13 2022 daemon.notice netifd: wan (2139): udhcpc: sending renew to server
Sat Feb 12 08:16:13 2022 daemon.notice netifd: wan (2139): udhcpc: lease of 93.22.xxx.xxx obtained from, lease time 300
Sat Feb 12 08:18:43 2022 daemon.notice netifd: wan (2139): udhcpc: sending renew to server
Sat Feb 12 08:18:43 2022 daemon.notice netifd: wan (2139): udhcpc: lease of 93.22.xxx.xxx obtained from, lease time 300
Sat Feb 12 08:21:13 2022 daemon.notice netifd: wan (2139): udhcpc: sending renew to server
Sat Feb 12 08:21:13 2022 daemon.notice netifd: wan (2139): udhcpc: lease of 93.22.xxx.xxx obtained from, lease time 300

is this a normal behavior ?
i can see that the lease time is 300 = 5minutes...by the way why it is so short ??

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Is that device directly connected to your isp? Or is there another router in between?

Whatever is upstream is providing a ludicrously short lease. If it is your isp, you need to talk to them. If it is another router, check the dhcp settings on that device.

The 2.5 minute renewal request timing is normal: dhcp attempts to renew at 50% of the lease time.

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yep, directly to my isp, i have FTTH 1Gbps/500Mps with SFR in France.

I’d recommend that you ask them why the lease is so short. The good news is that it is of little consequence to you (aside from the log spam) since the leases are being renewed successfully. But the isp may have something misconfigured and that could cause issues on their end.


Maybe it's a "bridge mode"

Not sure what you are talking about with bridge mode, but the issue is the upstream dhcp server’s configuration (lease time).

looks like this behaviour is normal for my ISP. in another french forum they are aware about that since +5 years now...

in 2014 it was a 90 seconds lease time ! :rofl:
it changed to 5 minutes in 2018

IMO, that is excessively short. But I guess they have a reason for it.

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It's some "fake bridge mode" to give you a public address

It's normal

Or they want avoid some sort of "fixed ip"

What fake bridge are you talking about and how do you think this impacts dhcp?? A cable/dsl modem or ont that operates in bridge mode relies on the upstream dhcp server (from the isp) to issue an address to the customer router.

Sometimes is just relayed or is not a true modem but a router

I have an all in one ont router, and a bridge mode in lan 4

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