[SOLVED] Modify /etc/rf.button/rfkill to only kill guest network

I have EA8500 with the latest build kernel 4.14.53 OpenWrt SNAPSHOT r7410-d3a7587eb9 / LuCI Master (git-18.188.47906-e617902)

I did configure a guest network based on this link and it works great


After reading a little bit about how to use a button to turn wifi on and off I figured the the script /etc/rf.button/rfkill is executed to do this. This is already working and kills the whole wifi.

the script is:


[ "${ACTION}" = "released" -o -n "${TYPE}" ] || exit 0

. /lib/functions.sh


wifi_rfkill_set() {
        uci set wireless.$1.disabled=$rfkill_state

wifi_rfkill_check() {
        local disabled
        config_get disabled $1 disabled
        [ "$disabled" = "1" ] || rfkill_state=1

config_load wireless
case "${TYPE}" in
        [ "${ACTION}" = "released" ] && rfkill_state=1
        config_foreach wifi_rfkill_check wifi-device
config_foreach wifi_rfkill_set wifi-device
uci commit wireless
wifi up

return 0

What do I have to change to the script so it only disables my guest instead of the whole wifi?

I figure it is something is this part of the script

wifi_rfkill_set() {
        uci set wireless.$1.disabled=$rfkill_state

Sorry I'm not that good on shell scripting

******* I came up with this solution, but I'm sure there is a better way out there


[ "${ACTION}" = "released" -o -n "${TYPE}" ] || exit 0

. /lib/functions.sh

SW=$(uci -q get wireless.@wifi-iface[2].disabled)
[ "$SW" == "1" ] && uci set wireless.@wifi-iface[2].disabled=0
[ "$SW" == "1" ] || uci set wireless.@wifi-iface[2].disabled=1
uci commit wireless
wifi up

return 0


You're already close to the best possible solution. There is no easy possibility to bring down a single SSID on a radio without restarting the entire stack.

This is not the safest approach. $SW may be empty if the interface is enabled. I'd recommend doing:

[ "$SW" == "1" ] && uci set wireless.@wifi-iface[2].disabled=0 || uci set wireless.@wifi-iface[2].disabled=1

Better yet,

if [ ${SW:-0} -eq 1 ] then 
uci set wireless.@wifi-iface[2].disabled=0
uci set wireless.@wifi-iface[2].disabled=1

Also, if you know which radio the guest interface is bound to (and if memory serves me correctly), you can do wifi radioX to restart that specific radio.

that works for me

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