[solved] Err_cert_authority_invalid

Thanks to all for the details.
@lleachii now, I better understand the certificate can not be signed / I'll install this specific one on my browser. And I'll still have warning on other devices.
@arjuniet I'll install this certificate on my browser and understand where this one is coming from (router create his own). But should not be done on unknown website
@mk24 my intention is not to access from internet only from intranet (connected to wifi or LAN), Thanks for warning and remind to the users

I really appreciate your help to understand the OpenWrt :pray:


great . my concern was just this SSH , HTTPS both are serving same purpose. that is

  • HTTP (plain text) >>> ssl engine >>HTTPs

  • Telnet (plain text) >>> ssl engine >> SSH ( can be assumed)

The privacy that they provide to this communication is only worth when we as a client know that we are connecting to correct server that we wanted to , if we keep bypassing the warning than it means we are ready to believe any website saying that its twitter,com


You're correlating two entirely different things:

  1. LAN connection to LuCI
    • The reason for the error @mac_low is receiving is two-fold
      1. The SSL cert is self-signed
      2. The SSL cert is likely using an IP for CN, which should instead be placed in the SAN as IP.1
        • The RFC has implied IPs/Hostnames should not be contained in the CN for ~2 decades, and Chrome distrusted all certs with the IP/hostname not stored in the SAN around a year or two ago.
        • Unfortunately, I don't believe there's a way around this if utilizing the self-signed cert that's auto-created by uhttpd, as it's not using an openssl.cnf to specify a SAN profile

  2. A WAN connection to a WAN hosted website
    • In this case, if receiving any error regarding the SSL cert, the site should not be entered.

  • The solution to 1.1 and/or 1.2 is to utilize the OpenSSL PKI wiki to create a self-signed CA and utilize that CA to sign a new cert for uhttpd.
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I tried to refrain. Please try to stop playing into the chicken-or-the-egg theories.

  • A person gets a router
  • Installs Official firmware
  • The person manages to get Internet
  • The person installs an SSL package
  • Someone suggests a Public cert
  • The person now doesn't trust his/her own router.

At some point, there's a "root of trust..." Your router is this root (as its configurations are concerned, and the console you trusted to configure it)...otherwise, make a local [wired] management interface; and block port 80 and 22 to all other networks.

Actually, you miss-assumed, the traffic would not be telnet, it would be 80(or 443)/tcp SSH tunneled.

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dude stop this now .

it was an analogy telnet is not preferred for remote method of shell access because its plain text exchange all visible if you just tap the communication media ? agree ?

ssh is prefered ? because it gives you an encrypted session .. that is data exchane happends only after a session with an encryption key is established ? agree ?

bydefault this is the ssh implementation . during first time communicaction when you enter command on your terminal

ssh lleachii@myserver.in

and on prompt you give password . and you are hacked dude ? i thing you know why

password based vs key based

In ssh either you do key based authentication or password based it equally safe or equally vulnerable ( this is for you @lleachii)
It just an analogy like authentication is check ether by checking by something you have or by something you know
and even in VPN i dont know why you feel secure ? explain plz

In present scenario if you keep you eyes open its only HTTPS that can save you how ?
TLS on its default implementation get implemented by server authentication ? how ?

if you are not in a habbit of bypassing ssl invalid CA error your cliet ( you browser) is giving you warning that i dont think you are getting connected to abc.com ? why it warns ?

because site abc.com is sending a non trusted CA signed certificate ( which is the proof of it being a genuine server on which abc.com is hosted ) bypassing it is inviting a attack on yourself

are you even aware of how may routers have generated the same private key at present ?

If you are use crypo method for trying to make your communication safe i admit the privacy is importation which we all can achieve with default ssh as well as self-signed certificate bypass trick is giving you

but ask your self what are you missing . do you guarantee tthe server authenticity ? are you really having a private encrypted communication with the real server ? NO you can never

that is why trusted CA certificate comes in scene

I even saw you saying that you will suggest to check the certificate serial key . LOL you should know any cerificate number can be choosed

  • Did understand the previous post, given user is on LAN (needing an RFC-invalid cert for an IP)?
  • Did not understand the previous post, given user is on LAN (needing an RFC-invalid cert for an IP)?
0 voters

I did.

  • Please edit ALL the OpenWrt Wikis that thus suggest you should accept the cert.

I hope the best in your endeavours.

you should never follow that habbit , instead install the certificate in your trust store before opening the site

And what does this mean that user is on lan ?? no risk zone ? why are you not promoting the use of split dns dude ?

get a domain name router-1.in or what ever
have certificate for that
now you have router in you hand you can do whatever you want to enhance the clients security
you can very well use router-1.in on your lan too ? i can show if you want

Because I promote a local management VLAN with its own port for the "security-paranoid" (see above).

And now you trust the CA - when you have a secure piece of hardware in your hand!

what ? didnt get


I knew you would say that...

The CA is a 3rd party!

Now you trust them not to give the root key to access your router!

really didnt get , i want to reply .

I understand the point you're trying to make, but this is too much of an over-simplification, as there are numerous reasons why a browser may barf an invalid cert error.

Please recognize you're still correlating two entirely different things that are not alike: certificates for LAN web servers and certificates for WAN websites.

  • No public/commercial CA or ICA can issue a cert for a LAN side web server, as these must utilize RFC1918 addresses, and as such, thousands of devices utilize the same IPs (i.e. there's no chain of trust).
    • I could be wrong, but I believe all commercial CAs/ICAs (incl. LetsEncrypt) will refuse to issue a cert for a RFC1918 address

  • Why would one do this for a WAN site, as most, if not all, commercial CA/ICAs are included in the OS' certificate trust bundle, of which should be updated by the OS itself as needed.

  • Why would one do this for a LAN site with a self-signed cert, as there's no way to verify chain of trust (as it has no chain of trust), therefor it should never be installed as a trusted cert.
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oh .. I trust PKI . better then trusting anyone claiming to be a server by showing a self signed certificate

you say how you check wether a guy is a CCNA / CCNP certified ? cerificate from cisco ? or other ways ?


Case-in-point. The chicken-or-the-egg.

Do you trust a CA that's incorporated in your country's enemy-nation - to hold the root HTTPS key to access your router?

You're arguing a point that has zero to do with this thread. This thread is about a LAN SIDE uhttpd cert for LuCI.

You're treating that discussion as if it's regarding a WAN side cert issued by a public or commercial CA/ICA for a WAN facing website...

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dude you are taking me wrong . yes a CA wont give a certificate for that i know this

but i am really not getting guys who are no doubt with too much knowledge couldnt find a way to secure you lan sites in such ?

ok i will demonstrate live with you , we ll take a cerificate for your public domain and use that domain name on your lan
ok ?

can i demonstrate ? give me anyadmin or something i ll show you



dude if you want to see . its your call i am here only