[SOLVED] Change submask network

full configs is out of the possible range of ip addresses. ( to

Sorry @lleachii , I meant to reply to @viniribeirossa

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It's the same.

  • Why are you using invalid IPs?
  • Are you having an issue understanding invalid IPs in a subnet

All 8 of the Possible /27 Networks for 10.8.8.*

  • Is there a reason you're showing us this?
  • Do you understand it now; or did you post it to ask about the invalid IP 224?

:spiral_notepad: If this wasn't understood, you'll have to configure a valid network/IP/range for the OpenWrt before it'll work.

:spiral_notepad: Only utilize the "usable addresses".

In your OP you stated you created a VLAN with the above addressing and sub-net mask. This LIMITS the possible addresses you can use, meaning your IP address MUST be inside the afore mentioned range (129 to 158). The other possible addresses are to be used in OTHER networks. They don't belong to the one you chose in your opening post.

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I changed the ip address range but the same problem appears

With a /27 netmask, examine the table and find that x.x.x.128 is not in any Usable Host Range. This is true whether the first part of the IP is 10.8.8 or 192.168.2. The router is one of the addressable hosts on the network. It will not work to set your router's IP to a non-usable IP.

By convention, the first Usable Host in the subnet (x.x.x.129 here) is used for the router IP, and the others (.130 up to .159) issued by the DHCP server to endpoint hosts.

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You never mentioned network 192.168.2.xxx/xx.
There is clearly some kind of miscommunication happening here. I rest my case.

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It worked!!!! haha ha
thanks, but why doesn't it work with the correct IP calculation?

I just changed the IP address, to test, but the friend above helped me. thank you friend

Could you explain to me why the 'network address' is not valid in this calculation?

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