I wanted to add a new data entry for a device but I lack access right. How should I proceed?
Also, the device brand, 'DNA', does not exist but the device is a white label product by Genexis so I am wondering how to best categorise it.
I wanted to add a new data entry for a device but I lack access right. How should I proceed?
Also, the device brand, 'DNA', does not exist but the device is a white label product by Genexis so I am wondering how to best categorise it.
tmomas used to be the main wiki admin, who could ass new manufacturer brands to the wiki device database, but he stopped being active.
Probably @richb-hanover-priv @thess or @jow might be ones that could add DNA there.
I got the impression from the new dataentry page, that new brand really requires a wiki admin.
Select a Brand from the dropdown.
If you need a new Brand added, please contact a wiki admin or post a note to OpenWrt forum.
Old discussion:
Hello @hnyman. Can you think of any other people to ping regarding this? The device support is in master and I thought I would create a ToH entry too while I am at it.
@moderators @wiki-account are the ones that should know who can help you.
+1 for the procedure on how to add new form entries. IT would be great if we could get HP, HPE and switch coming back as valid entries.
Paul replied on openwrt-devel list (1) and now three new manufacturers have been added. So if you have write access you are good to go. I am still waiting for mine.
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