Softflowd does not export IPv6 records

I installed softflowd but the records only contain IPv4 information.

The "option track_ipv6" is set to '1' in /etc/config/softflowd and the router (Netgear R7800) is routing IPv6.

Am I missing something?

Odd...I think there's some threads on this...since I call the command directly, I specify IPv6 on that given interface.


softflowd -i 6in4-henet -v 9 -n -d &

Try here: Fixed softflowd init script - testing needed

It works here as well.

	Showing wan Statistics

softflowd[3157]: Accumulated statistics since 2021-11-16T18:07:23 UTC:
Number of active flows: 0
Packets processed: 20
Packets non-sampled: 1979
Fragments: 0
Ignored packets: 4 (4 non-IP, 0 too short)
Flows expired: 18 (0 forced)
Flows exported: 18 (18 records) in 18 packets (0 failures)
Packets received by libpcap: 2003
Packets dropped by libpcap: 0
Packets dropped by interface: 0

Expired flow statistics:  minimum       average       maximum
  Flow bytes:                 176           191           328
  Flow packets:                 1             1             3
  Duration:                  0.00s       129.95s      2339.13s

Expired flow reasons:
       tcp =         0   tcp.rst =         0   tcp.fin =         0
       udp =        17      icmp =         0   general =         1
   maxlife =         0
over 2 GiB =         0
  maxflows =         0
   flushed =         0

Per-protocol statistics:     Octets      Packets   Avg Life    Max Life
           udp (17):           3144           17       0.00s       0.00s
          ipv6 (41):            300            3    2339.13s    2339.13s

You're welcome to try my re-write of the OpenWrt package here:

Sorry for the late reply, haven't had time to dive into this again.

I am using softflowd 1.0.0-2 from the repository on OpenWrt version 21.02.1

It is weird, I do see ipv6-icmp but no tcp or udp and according to a wireshark capture my PC is using ipv6 to a couple of sites on the internet. I changed the monitored interface from br-lan to eth0.2.

softflowd[5580]: Accumulated statistics since 2021-11-27T06:10:14 UTC:
Number of active flows: 40
Packets processed: 10843
Packets non-sampled: 97578
Fragments: 0
Ignored packets: 16 (16 non-IP, 0 too short)
Flows expired: 844 (0 forced)
Flows exported: 1008 (1008 records) in 69 packets (0 failures)
Packets received by libpcap: 108547
Packets dropped by libpcap: 0
Packets dropped by interface: 0

Expired flow statistics:  minimum       average       maximum
  Flow bytes:                  29         15811       2458354
  Flow packets:                 1            13          1365
  Duration:                  0.00s        10.81s       101.16s

Expired flow reasons:
       tcp =       441   tcp.rst =        39   tcp.fin =         2
       udp =       239      icmp =        64   general =         0
   maxlife =        59
over 2 GiB =         0
  maxflows =         0
   flushed =         0

Per-protocol statistics:     Octets      Packets   Avg Life    Max Life
           icmp (1):          15880          149      24.50s      93.52s
            tcp (6):       12896114         9837      14.38s     101.16s
           udp (17):         428193          658       0.94s      71.56s
     **ipv6-icmp (58):**           4096           29       5.52s      43.38s

What export version are you running. Only Netflow V9 supports IPv6.

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Switching to V9 did the trick, thanks for your help.

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