Simple QoS for VoIP



OK thanks this is helping, but it have an equal result: 19/45

I already had that idea.
I rejected it.
Because it never reach the 100MBit/s and fear it will not reach the 95MBit/s because missed SMP support.
The second fear is that the switch a leak. (the try was for a long time and i can not exact say what i have do), And the switches of my Provider leak too.
Leak = i mean very few Packets go to somewhere.

When i do it my idea was to have an perfect Network like: DSL-Modem (VR9 with GBit-support) <-> Router (no idea which Model) <-> VoIP O2-Box or Easybox
Then there are the 2 RPis one for alarm system and one for somethings.
But for me the O2-Box is enought for me.
It is more because: i want a solution for 50MBit/s in general.

Only with LEDE not on OEM-Linuxes for example Speedport W921v, TP-Link etc.
Is there support for PPE (Protokoll Processor Engine) inside LEDE ?
see this thread

For the normal WLAN Router
Which SOC can you recommend ?