Show Hostnames on dumb AP

Hi, please edit your title, it is "dumb" not "dump",

I tried to help with that issue(macaddress to name translation) some time ago, but some user just get angry and kick me out and the issue was ignored and closed:

see this thread if you want:
keep seeing, there is several messages hidden
see this and below messages:

long story short: I just came with the idea to have a simple text file that luci should use to make optional (configurable) macaddress-to-NAME (not a network hostname) just a defined name like "Alice Notebook" and use that to translate every mac address show, at least in dhcp-leases listing and the associated stations listing.

then, with that feature with an optional package (see the scripts that I tested with other user that helped me) those scripts involves getting information.
from dumb ap pulling from main router... (because this seams to be more natural and convenient that pushing from main router to dumb ap... and it is definitly much more easy than put different lists on different dumbs and merge it on all places including the main router..)
but some users started to get angry saying that they dont want that kind of features on luci, and dont want to add those scripts and started complaying about security issues ¿?... and make my mouth shut up.

It was really sad, because it was a VERY interesting feature to add, since WE (humans) tend to be more friendly with names than macaddress and I just wanted some of the luci developers to add that simple text file reading onto luci source code and push that code into the master branch.

They keep insisting that we need to use uci dhcp leases, or tmp dhcp-leases file or dnsmasq etc, but those are used for other purposes like hostname resolution or so and dont allow spaces, etc...

I encourage to read the thread for anyone that is interested on reopen that discussion or even try to code it and add a push request to see if they re-think about it at least with the code done.
