Shared Internet Uplink for rural area

The problem (especially in the world wide web) is that people think they know things...

Sad thing is that most people are even to lazzy to check facts before spreading false information...
Others also just spread FUD by intention (@flygarn12?) which is always a percentage you have in the internet.

It would be actually funny (if it wasn't sad) that people try to give me legal advice without even knowing the location and therefor legislation talking place. :man_facepalming:

The world is a big place and I, in fact, don't presume to know where you live, what ISP you're using, or anything more than the fact that you plan to share your connection. However, the intent was simply to provide a heads-up that it could be problematic in some places with some ISPs. What you do is your business, and if you are already confident that this type of sharing is legal (and you say you have a legal background), more power to you. I said at the outset that I wasn't judging and that I wasn't interested in a debate. I will stick to that.

Like I said, a simple "thank you for your concern" (or no response at all) would have been more productive here. There was really no need to attack me for what was intended as a simple attempt to raise the topic so you could be sure everything is above board (and to provide that general advice for future readers of this thread, too) and avoid any accidental violations of the T&C's or local laws.


What is FUD?

this for example:

"Fear, uncertainty, and doubt (often shortened to FUD) is a propaganda tactic [...] FUD is generally a strategy to influence perception by disseminating negative and dubious or false information"

The abbreviation FUD is also alternatively rendered as "fear, uncertainty, and disinformation"

You were not the first one in this thread blowing in this direction and @flygarn12 did already post questionable (or false) claims about my responsibility of other peoples doing I grand internet access.

I actually even did a comment which contains the fact that his claims are simply not true for my jurisdiction. Most certainly you read my comment but still felt the need for posting - which is totally fine. Still I have the need to comment things so just that a third person around the corner doesn't feel like she/he needs to comment on this topic again :wink:

One more fun fact: My ISP doesn't know my name or address because I have a pre-paid card (yes, that's legal here and actually in most parts of the world :earth_americas:)

I honestly donā€™t care. Try to keep in mind that my comment was coming from a good place. I will bow out of this conversation now.


I must say I am actually somewhat proud because I have been called a lot of things in different forums over the years, I am fine with that because it happens.
But never FUB, that was a new onešŸ˜ƒ
But this is actually the first time ever I have been nailed to the wall as a warning to the world not to talk with youšŸ˜‚

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To avoid downstream nat, you can try keeping the upstream router as the default gateway but turn off dhcp. In the downstream router, turn on dhcp but use dhcp options 3 and 6 to specify upstream router as gateway and dns. No nat and downstream network will still function if link goes down.

No offense intended here but please bear in mind we are all volunteers here trying to help each other out. You may have not liked the wording of some of the others comments but it seems the spirit of it was just of concern.

Let me know if you need me to clarify what i was trying to explain above.


Bad idea...for a couple of reasons.

  1. All it will take is one "user" who gets infected with ransomware to get everyone else's system that is connected encrypted.

  2. It's likely a violation of your provider's terms of service. If they find out, they might terminate your service, and then all "users" (including you) lose Internet access.

Good luck with that.

thanks for the heads up, can you elaborate further?

All my systems are already encrypted. Can a ransomware help? Where can I download it? Do you in favor of a certain snake oil you can suggest?

My provider has no problems sharing the internet, my ISP even offers a share app.

Instead only me having internet in the end all "users" (including me) have internet - isn't that nice?

Sharing is caring - isn't it?

I have heard that REvil has a really good system ready to download online.

Share appā€¦didnā€™t you say your ISP couldnā€™t track you because you used a pre paid sim card (or something).

Go for it! Iā€™am all inšŸ˜ƒ

I actually can't find it to download - looks like it's :cloud: only (available as RaaS). Not for me - I also see no benefit in this thing at all as it can easily put people to prison.

Any how you could have warned (this time for real :warning:) that the usage of software you are suggesting is prohibited in many countries (often classified as crime) . Some countries even classify the owning (having a copy) of this type of program already a crime.

I said they offer a share app - which would only makes sense to use if you also make use of the provided router with wifi... I don't so I had (and have) zero intention using this...

I always try my best and I'm a person that doesn't have anything against off topic. But bare in mind that I posted this in the category "Installing and Using OpenWrt" and I'm clearly seeking for technical help. This mentioned the first (and still active) troll wasn't far away and started to give fails- or disinformation. I'm also fine with it as I could comment the false statement and typically it's all good then... not here sadly as other people coming up and don't even try to give (technical) assistant but just continue (actually restarting) talks about responsibility, terms & conditions, legislation and so on. This is not only totally useless (because it doesn't help any one on earth because all this is regulation is based on national laws which typically are only valid in one country) but it also just spams the thread.

Once again I have nothing against a loosely moderated forum and everything but it's always nice to have more on than off-topic in a thread :wink:

ā€˜This time for real!?ā€™
I did warned you from day one. You canā€™t have forgotten that?
This time I just tried this FUB thing you talk about, and you didnā€™t even see it coming. So you kind of falling into your own pit now.

You are not much of a psychiatrist anyway, so you should probably stop talking about FUB things.

And obviously you donā€™t know anything about cyber crime or cyber warfare, you donā€™t even know about ransomeware! You thought its was a add on security system.

How did you miss this obvious thing about ransomeware with all of your magnificent legal knowledge?

But you also say you have all this cyber crimes thing already covered when we rise the subject. Since you donā€™t even know what it is, then I have a hard time believing you.

The remarkable thing is that you are scared of the penalty for ransomeware but you show no consequence thinking about giving your personal IP number to strangers for their own free use!?


In your case, it's stealing from your ISP.

But you do you.

Oh boy! Such a good laugh! :rofl: Sorry for the late reply but I was always (for 2 days!) laughing tears :joy: when I read your post and weren't able to to use the keyboard at all :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

I actually wonder whats FUB? :eyes:

Not much to comment with the quality of your post - guess that just what comes out if you feed the troll :fish:

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I'm not sure why you think (not knowing :bulb:) this.

I quite do the opposite actually and pay my ISP regularly in exchange for a internet connection and traffic.
I actually wonder how could I steal from my ISP? Do you @anon89577378 have any experience in this field? Wanna share your knowledge? :wink:

To use your words...

Not much to comment with the quality of your post - guess that just what comes out if you feed the troll

We're done here.


@OldNavyGuy (aka @anon89577378 ) in a nutshell :coconut:

Jim enters the room makes fails statements and accuses Bob of robbing his ISP

Bob replies he is paying for the services and that Jim should explain how he could even rob a ISP

Jim pulls a "we are done here" and leaves the room

Turns out this thread is quickly becoming comedy gold :grin:


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