SamKnows Whitebox SK-WB8 help to reuse with LEDE

This is my presentation in this forum.
I have a whitebox sincer many years and the last i am testing is the V8, SK-WB8.

And now i want to brak the actual firmware and reuse the router por personal use.

The ultimate model, TP-Link WDR3600 finally was hacked and now have one working at home.

Can anyone help me.

PD: my english is basic. If is possible i prefer spanish.

This might be a start:

Latest LEDE firmware:[Model*~]=wb8

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en forocoches tienes un hilo muy bien hecho , saludos desde madrid.
por si no tienes cuenta:

basicamente tenemos que decirle al router que se actualice desde un server en una direccion ip concreta y para ello tenemos que usar el serial:
por pasos:
1.- Instalar tftpd(es la aplicacion que creara el server)(
2.-Instalar putty(es la aplicacion para comunicarnos por serial con el router)(
3.-Descargar LEDE y renombrarlo a a.bin(
4.- soldar los pines y conectarlos al adaptador serial-usb
5.-conectar el pc y el router por jr45(ethernet)
6.-cambiar la ip del pc (en administracion de redes) a
7.- copiar a.bin a la carpetade instalacion de tftpd
8.- ejecutar tftpd y ver que monta el server en tu tarjeta ethernet en la ip de arriba(
9.- ejecutar putty ponerlo en modo serial en el com correspondiente(miralo en admin. de dispositivos) y a 57600 de velocidad(baudios)
10.- conectar el router a la corriente
11.- empezara a sali texto en putty y llegaraun momento que nos pregunte en que modo lo queremos poner, tienes que estar atento y rapido solo tienes tres segundo desde que aparece para poner un 2.
12.- te pregunta si yes/no y pones yes
13.- te pondra una ip y das enter, te pondra la ip y das enter y se flasheara solo.
14.- lo conectas a tu router , switch o lo que te apetezca a traves de un puerto lan cualquiera (no el wan)
15.- con fing para android lo buscas en tu red y ya tendras su ip
16.- con la ip ya puedes configurar a traves de interfaz grafica, te recomiendo activar el acceso por ssh ya que al ser una distro linux el terminal es muy util.


Buenas tardes.

Gracias Jesús. Conozco el foro ForoCoches. Habia estado buscado con Yahoo, Bing y Google y solo habia encontrado la referencia de OpenWRT.
Antes de cablear hubiera preferido algún método "lógico", como el que utilicé con el anterior modelo de router SamKnows, el WDR-3600.
Supongo que cada vez hacen la imágen de funcionamiento más cerrada y blindada.
Voy a ponerme a ello seguramente mañana y comentaré en el foro el resultado.
Sin cargo de conciencia, ya que me comprometí con ellos a utilizar su WhiteBox durante tres meses, y la tengo conectada desde Abril de este año.
En fin, muchas gracias. See you soon.

Saludos otra vez.
Compruebo que para darme de alta en necesito una invitación.
Tal vez estarías dispuesto ha enviarme una invitación ...

Thank you very much.
I knew the site and am searchin, if is it possible, a logical way to flash the router.
In the past y hack the TP WDR-3600 simply conecting a Ethernet cable betwen my notebook and the whitebox assigned a specific IP address and then using tftp and ssh comands.
Thanks and hope see you soon.

Saludos Jesus.

Tengo el SK-WB8 abierto y estoy intentando seguir tus instrucciones para flashearlo y poder reutilizarlo libremente.

No consigo actualizarlo.

  • He descargado y renombrado a [a.bin] el firmware LEDE sysupgrade

  • He instalado TFTP en modo server, y he copiado el [a.bin] en su carpeta de instalación

  • He instalado el PuTTY, y la configuracion es:
    57600, n, 8, 1, Xon/Xoff, UTF-8

  • Esto es lo que veo al encender el SK-WB8:

PuTTY screen unreadable

He estado probando a cambiar velocidad, paridad, control de flujo, sin exito.
He probado a cambiar juegos de caracteres, modos de dibujar lineas, sin exito.

La conexión física es mediante un cable USB - Serie prolific, que me ofrece un COM8:

Y utilizo tres hilos, Tx, Rx y GND. El otro cable RJ45 comprado.

¿Alguna sujerencia?

English please.

Sorry, but the other guy was spanish man.

Hi everybody.

I have the SK-wb8 open and am trying make your instructions to flash this router and reuse it freement.

I cannot flash it.

I downloaded and renamed the firmware pointed LEDE sysupgrade, am installed TFTP server mode and PuTTY (config 57600, n, 8, 1, Xon/Xoff, UTF-8 )

This is my view when i switch on the sk-wb8:
PuTTY screen unreadable

I tried to switch the bps, parity, flow control and no win.
I tried the characters set, draw lines method and nothing.

I have a bridge usb to serial Prolific and show in Devices manager COM8, and i use three wires for, rx, tx and ground.

Any suggestions?


not sure u still need it but i think it the baud rate is 115200

Hi Jesus.
I sended t¡you a private email.
This weekend i will trie to free the SK-WB8 another time.
Se you soon.

ive pm you with some info

En el paso 4.- soldar los pines y conectarlos al adaptador serial-usb
A que pines os referís?


In step 4.- solder the pins and connect them to the serial-usb adapter
What pins are you referring to?


I do not know, precisely that is my question, I am trying to follow the steps of the 3rd answer of this thread and I do not know which pins they refer to.

You need to buy and solder pins on this board because they are not there (not installed / removed after tests from the manufacturer).

You could get away, possibly, using small round nails pushed trough a thick cardboard, disposed properly as temporary pins, and use some sort of weight to maintain the contact. Then you would need a USB serial adapter that you connect to these nails. This could introduce transmission errors and is a bit risky.

Hello again.
Sorry for my English as a translator.
I have knowledge of information technology and some networking, but this specific topic is beyond my knowledge.
What cable do I need and where do I connect / solder it?

Do you connect here?

Hi HomeRafa.
Tomorrow and will attempt to free the SK-WB8 again, and i will write one full tutorial with pics and links to procedures and info.
We can reuse the white box, sure.

See you soon from Bilbao.

Where is the problem?

Installation instructions are already there on the devicepage:

You need to connect an usb2serial adapter to the SK-WB8. Since it is easier to connect to pins rather than the bare PCB, and since there are no pins on the PCB, you first need to solder them to the PCB. Once you have done that, you can easily connect to the serial port of the SK-WB8, in order to install OpenWrt.

The devicepage describes where the serial port is (J2, see picture), what the pinout is and what parameters to be used for the serial connection.

EDIT: It should be mentioned that you connect only RX, TX, GND, nothing more. /EDIT

See also

All the information is there, you just have to read it carefully (i.e. not in a haste) and click on a link here and there :slight_smile:

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Hi Tmomas.
The problem is describeb up, in my screen capture added.
When i connect my laptop to the SK-WB8 only view characters noise. I tried several speeds and other parameters, but unsucessfull.

Tomorrow i will trye another time to repeat the process,. See you.