And how can I verify? In my tests doesn't seems that webUI, tftp, telnet or ssh seems to works isn't it?
So I fear that I have to use the serial method. I've found the serial port on the device:
and I found[¹] that is a 3.3v. So I need a dongle usb-ttl like this one[²]? There is a standard way to have TTL male on the serial holes on the mobo? I have to use pond, tinner and so one?
Hey I told to portscan from diag mode - maybe there is some goodies.
if you want to have it there for good, otherwise make something temporary, for the 5 mins you need it (assuming everything works out)
Yes, the portscan result I sent was done in failsafe mode
yes, it's my device!
You did not understand me, OpenWRT failsafe over LAN !=samknows diagnostic mode over WAN port + wifi.
ok, if you tell me what did you mean +wifi I can understand... I hope. I ask you because when I enter in failsafe mode WIFI seems to be disabled (wifi leds are off).
that's the wan port, what do you mean +wifi? Any way I confirm you that even entering in failsafe mode with the cable inserted in the internet plug doesn't discover any other network port, I get the same result is as inserting the cable to one of the LAN ports
Samknows guide describes their diag mode. Why dont you read it?
Hi brada4, can I ask you why you don't trust me when I say "I confirm you that even entering in failsafe mode with the cable inserted in the internet plug doesn't discover any other network port, I get the same result as inserting the cable to one of the LAN ports"? Further please tell me, why do you think I didn't read the samknows guide you send me. I have read it hoping it can help me to solve my "technical issue" but I found it useless, doesn't solve my problem, I can't find a way to install openwrt, the only way I see is to try via serial port. I had some doubt reading samknows guide you send me, for example why mac users should connect to the wireless "sk" network but I don't think it is important. Any way the led having the 2 rounding arrows on my WDR3600 don't blink, the double arrow led light is steady so this guide don't help me. But if you think there is something that I didn't understand or read that can help me to solve my problem please let me know.
Have a great day
OK, get serial, no other way.