RTSP stream in VLC from my IP cam not working


I've configured a Eufy Indoor Pan&Tilt 2K camera to enable RTSP and the final link to connect to it via RTSP is <username>:<password>@
I'm trying the connection via VLC but it does not work.

I captured the packages with Wireshark and I noticed that I'm getting Expert Info (Warning/Sequence): Connection reset (RST) on all communications between my machine using VLC ( and the IP cam ( related to rtsp(554) -> 33198 (notice here that the port after -> changes everytime I try to connect to the camera RTSP stream).

Do I have to open any port on my router or the firewall of my machine? If so, how exactly (I've already tried multiple attempts with no luck)?


you VLC machine and camera I guess are on the same subnet according to their IP addresses, and connected to same switch without any other device in the middle, right? if so then you don't need anything as within same subnet there is no firewall.

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sorry my bad, they are on different subnet (updated my post) and also the camera is on a GuestNet having the isolate clients options enabled!
But I also added a firewall traffic rule to Accept the communication between the 2 IPs!

and, as an update, I'm trying to connect the camera via RTSP from my Raspberry that is on the same network and subnet ( and it still does not work!

Turn this off and then try the pi again (on the same subnet). If that doesn’t work, either you have a more general issue with your WiFi config, or the problem lies with the camera.

great, it works by disabling "isolate clients"! Thank you!

Just one question, at this point: how can I set some whitelisted IPs to the "isolate clients" option? Or, without that option, how can I protect all the clients on the NetGuest (which is on a guest interface just FYI) by reaching each other and block communication with my lan interface?

Wifi client isolation is an all-or-nothing setting on a given SSID. If it is enabled, wifi devices will be unable to talk to other wifi devices on that same AP+SSID. Period. You cannot specify that some devices should be isolated while others are not.

Now, client isolation applies only to wifi clients on the same AP + SSID. If you have wired devices on that same network, the wifi clients will be able to reach those wired devices and vice versa. If you had 2 APs (both with client isolation enabled) connected to each other by an ethernet connection, the clients on AP1 would be visible to those on AP2 (and vice versa) because they appear to be wired to each other (thanks to the ethernet between the two APs).

You could potentially use this to your advantage with some creative planning, but usually this is more of a liability.

In your case, you probably should setup a unique network (subnet + SSID, client isolation disabled) to contain the things that must talk to each other but should not talk to anything else. You can then firewall that network so that it cannot talk to any other networks (or whatever criteria you have). You can then have your existing network (with wifi client isolation enabled) for use with guests or IoT devices that specifically don't need to talk to each other.

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