I am the owner of a TP-Link Archer T2U that has the rtl8812au chipset. Currently the kmod package does not seem to be maintained and it does not support my wireless adapter. (package link) However, the Air Crack NG one supports my device and also includes features such as package capture. I have used it with other Linux machines and it seems pretty stable. It can be found here: https://github.com/aircrack-ng/rtl8812au. (Note: There is a regression with the AC600. You need commit 63cf0b4)
Would it make sense to replace the old version of this package with the Air crack NG one? If not, how would two similar kmod packages be shipped? I am looking to get OpenWRT working with my adapter and I would like to stick with premade packages.
The wiki information "OpenWrt release" is not up to date regarding the package. This package is available in the latest OpenWRT 23.05.3. You need to install the package :
opkg update
opkg install kmod-rtl8812au-ct
After the installation, the module is loaded and enabled at startup.
Sorry I did not realize that the page was out of date. I already tried getting this to work on OpenWRT but the dmesg did not show anything useful from what I could see. I will post the logs in a bit.
So it seems that it is detected and I must of missed when I looked before. However, there is still no interface listed under luci, iw dev or ip a. Maybe I need to install another package?
I created an OpenWrt module for rtw88-usb. You can find it here: https://github.com/henkv1/rtw88-usb-openwrt. It should support rtl8812au as well, but I only tested it with rtl8812bu and rtl8811cu.
Hello! I tried to include this in a build but it failed on "no rule to make target '/home/knas/openwrt/staging_dir/target-arm_cortex-a7+neon-vfpv4_musl_eabi/usr/include/mac80211-backport/backport/autoconf.h'"
Would really like to try rtl8812au functionality. Do you know how to fix this error or know when rtw88-usb will be included in main repo?
I would strongly suggest not to consider this to be a real driver, it's a slightly hacked up vendor driver with neither a future, nor any maintenance for the last two years. It's the problem, not a solution - you shouldn't rely on it, nor specifically buy hardware using this chipset, until it is supported by a proper mainline driver.
Given that OpenWrt relies on backports, probably 'only' one - but that doesn't tell us how well this device works in AP mode, for which it hasn't been designed, and which is rarely tested for these devices (if offered at all).