RT-AC68U bricked


j'ai bésoin de votre aide pour mon routeur asus 4G AC68U
en effet je l'ai recemment flasher avec un firmware rRT AC68U par openwrt ce qui s'est bien derouler.. mais depuis unmoment je narrive plus a faire quoi que ce soit, au fait a l'allumage il nya que le la led du WPS qui reste allumé. je ne recois ppus aucun signal que je sois sur ehernet ou internet.. tout apport de solution me sauait d'une grande aide merci

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I need your help for my ASUS 4G AC68U router
Indeed I have recently flash it with a firmware rt68u by OpenWRT what has happened well .. but for a while I can not do anything anymore, by the ignition there is nothingA that the LED of the WPS that remains lit.I do not receive any more signal that I am on Ethernet or the Internet .. Any intake of solution would know me of great help thank you

In this procedure you can try to use stock firmware.

See also: https://www.asus.com/support/faq/1000814/

thanks but my problem is that i can't allow rescue mode on my rooter

It is strange explanation, why?