[Rpi4] Image builder, unable to set config for build


Here's the script I'm creating to easily create RPI4 images.


I try to create a build using the image builder so I can get a consistent build when upgrading or adding a device to my network. But for an unknown reason, the config is not loaded:

I'm downloading the current /etc/config files and including them into the new build, but it seems there are not loaded. And I don't know where did I fail.

I don't have any screen to connect to the Rpi so I don't even know if it boots, but I know the config from my current settings is not loading because the led doesn't behave as I set it to.

Where did I fail in this script?

you are doing two 'extra' ib fancy things in your script...

  • adding or renaming a profile for some reason which you dont seem to use
sed -i -E "s/PROFILE_NAMES \= /PROFILE_NAMES = DEVICE_rpi-4-custom /g" .profiles.mk
  • adding a custom repo which you'll have to explain why your doing this...

i'd suggest better editing the title / first post to better explain what your trying to do here..

also discuss what if any errors were present from the build process... asking for help with a script and basing it not working on not having a monitor is leaving out alot of details...

  • adding or renaming a profile for some reason which you dont seem to use

I was using it before with an additional edit to .profiles.mk, It's now removed.
It didn't change the result anyway.

  • adding a custom repo which you'll have to explain why your doing this...

I have some packages that are not in the official repo and as I want to learn more on how to use the image builder I try to stay away from community builds.
Those packages are luci-theme-argon, luci-app-argon-config and luci-app-wrtbwmon (with some dependencies)

i'd suggest better editing the title / first post to better explain what your trying to do here..

Creating a build using the image builder so I can get a consistent build when upgrading or adding a device to my network. But for an unknown reason, the config is not loaded:

I'm downloading the current /etc/config files and including them into the new build, but it seems there are not loaded. And I don't know where did I fail.

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Well, the script now works with new snapshot, I suppose the snapshot was corrupt :confused: